bitey coastal carpet

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Not so new Member
Sep 13, 2012
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I have a coastal carpet python which was born in February this year. She is still very bitey, does anyone have any ideas as to how I can get her out of this. She (not really sure of sex) is contantly in the coil position ready to bit. I get her out about 3 times a week but for only short periods, she does not settle and is constantly biting. She is not my first snake, my other snake is 5 years old, placid and only bitten me once when mistaking me for food. Hope someone can help.
When did you buy her? If it was not that long ago I would leave her alone for 2-3 weeks to let her settle in and reduce her stress levels before trying to handle her.
I purchased her in April. The only time she has been reasonably calm was when I went away for 4 days, she was not handled during that time and was calmer when I did get her out.
Maybe worth leaving her settle for a week or so just to get used to her new enclosure, either that or persist with the handling and biting. From what i hear costals can have a bit of a temper so it may just be a patience game.
put it in a small pillowcase or snake bag and sit it on your lap
watch tv for an hour or so
do this a few times
let it get used to feeling and scenting you and understand there is no danger

after a few times open the bag just a little bit
eventually it will poke its head out and investigate
let it do its thing
dont try to grab it
just let it cruise around you while it susses you out
Thanks, the bag thing I'd heard about before and tried it this afternoon. Too early to tell if works yet. Will keep trying. She is still only a baby so I am aware that I need to be patient, just wasn't sure if I was doing the right things. Thanks for everyone's help.
Just let her do her thing. Open her viv and let her come to u don't grab her or hold her let her just lie on u like she would her perch, no sudden movements and don't breathe directly onto her. She will calm down if you just keep persisting
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