bitten by scrub python

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Not so new Member
Jan 10, 2011
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North Queensland
my mate was playing with a feral python, i latched onto his wrist. he is worried bout infection, what is the best thing to do in this situation:shock:?
best thing would of been leave it alone, tell him that.
But after a bite if he is worried about infection would be to see a doctor.
If your gunna play with a wild python i suggest NOT A SCRUB PYTHON...lucky it didnt coil around him..What size was it..With any bite make sure the bite mark etc is keeped clean,to reduce infection..If its a decent bite thou you may need to go see a doctor..After 2 days from being biten by one of my pythons my hand swelled twice the size,there were 5teeth still in the hand,which was operated on and removed...With the help of alot of antibotics...
Yeah I have gotten abses's from cats that were swollen within a few hours a wild snake bite could be pretty nasty even if cleaned properly. Infection can be easily spotted though. (Apparently)
it was bout 2.5m long, and yeah, it left a few teeth marks where it got him, bit of blood too,

did you know straight after the bite that the teeth were still in ur hand?
That's a suprise most wild scrubbies are placid as, so different to the captive animals that people keep too hot.
correct me if ime wrong but scrubbies arent actually feral they are native species. Wild pigs, goats,camels,cattle,dogs,cats, and other introduced menace species living in our backyards and national parks are considered feral.
correct me if ime wrong but scrubbies arent actually feral they are native species. Wild pigs, goats,camels,cattle,dogs,cats, and other introduced menace species living in our backyards and national parks are considered feral.

Feral as in angry
I have two words for you Tet Anus....

Go get shots... You'll need them!!!
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