black heads

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Active Member
May 8, 2007
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western sydney nsw
hey guys im thinking of getting sum black heads before i get sum just want to no sum info on the wat r they like to keep ,easy hard temps lik how fast do they grow the usual sum if sum 1 cud help me out it wood great cheers brenttin
Ok, well I got one for my first snake... So I am NOT an expert... It depends on the breeder you buy from. Some handle their snakes and so the snakes are beautiful and gentle... Others do not and the snakes can be bitey and more aggro. Some will tell you BHP's are hissy and grumpy, I have not found this to be the case with mine.

Mine eats every 7 days... I don't know exactly how big she was when I got her, but the breeder advertised her as 2-3 feet long, she is now 1.2 metres long... A month later. I am told it depends on the size of your enclosure.

I was told a constant 30' if they are under a year old.... My girl is about to go off temps now, as she is over that first year. I was also told you only winter them IF you are going to breed them.

You do not need the big elaborate set-up, I believe that a Red-spot globe gives enough heat here. I also believe they do need things to exercise on- some will tell you not to allow them to climb... My next BHP enclosure would be more than 500mm (20") high, to allow a BHP to climb a bit more if they wanted. I believe that if my snake can do what she does in her cage then she is quite agile.

To be honest, after you have them a month you will understand all I am saying... Each Snake has it's own querks!! I hope there was something in this that helped you out.
Also it was recommended to me by an EPA member, to buy and read the book by Simon Korteng & Darren Green... 'Keeping Carpet Pythons'. I found it very helpful. It would appear that they are very similar to keep.
Mate, they are easy to keep once feeding well on thawed rodents. Very hardy species. Temps I maintain are 28 to 34 degrees C. They are known to have an extreme feeding response along with a large appetite. Adult housing requires fairly large enclosures so if you have the room and the food available go for it.
Here's a pic of a simple enclosure mate. Dimensions approx. 6ft long x 2ft deep x 1.3ft high.
Temps posted above are similar to ours. Summer access to 34deg ambient hot end (38deg+ basking) 28deg cold end (air-con room). As Ewan said, very excitable around feeding time. Overall BHPs are awesome pythons to own!
ok so the most popular enclosure is a long 1 and not that high i though they lik to climb i have heard they r very active snake specially at nite is that true
That is about it... My enclosure is about 1.2m (4 foot) long, 600mm (2 foot) deep, and 500mm (20") high... I really think they need about 2&1/2 feet high (about 750mm) so they can move. My BHP comes out, climbs over one hide, across onto the over and then tries to climb over the thermometre... which usually means she pulls it down!!!

Not always active... Mine will sometimes come out, other times she will poke her head out, and just bask. In my enclosure I have 2 Ant nest (termite mounds- whatever you want to call them!!), one hollowed out underneath (her favourite hide) and the other with a hole about 6" up and the inside hollowed out. I NEED to get her some branches to climb on.
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