Black snakes eating CATFOOD

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$NaKe PiMp

Very Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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check out what this little pigglet snake chows down on,and hasnt refused any sort of meat ever

is that healthy for the snake? do they get all their nutritional requirements? just curious :)
it was just a one off to see if it would take it,but actually it would be fine offered as something for a change.
The funny thing is after eating a big chunk it goes and eats the little bits that fall off ,every little morsal
I knew there was a reason they're my favourite snake in the whole world!

Quirky lil thing!
weird! some people have all the trouble in the world trying to get things to eat rats and that thing is a garbage disposal unit. Makes me wonder what they would eat in the wild if they came across something already dead? Or is because hes used to dead things and eats what ever hes given at tucker time?
yes P.porphyriacus has been observed in the wild "fishing" diving into the water then coming up later with a fish in mouth lol
what an aamzing snake i can see why its some peoples favourite.
You haven't seen a dope plant before, have you? :p

I haven't, it mysteriously gets rolled up in paper and lit up before I get a chance to see it.

I am so going to try this with a python hahaha. awesome shot
Oh christ, they stink at the best at the best of times, I can only imagine cleaning up after eating that!

I've also had GTS "fishing" for goldfish in an outdoor pond on a call out. It was stuck in the netting after eating a couple and had to cut it out.
i had a collett that i just could not get to feed then one lonely night i offered her a cooked peeled prawn and she started feeding, i then tried my red bellies and they all took the prawn, i use it as a sent for broblem feeders workes great
i had a collett that i just could not get to feed then one lonely night i offered her a cooked peeled prawn and she started feeding, i then tried my red bellies and they all took the prawn, i use it as a sent for broblem feeders workes great

i reckon thats a great idea with these species,possibly most pseudechis have similar tendencies,a prawn is very strong scent.
im going to try prawns with wild injured black snakes i have in care see how quickly they like that.
Didn't one guy have a BHP try to eat his stinky work sock?
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