Blind Gecko

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I think he's eating, Geckoman - the crickets keep magically disappearing and he's still quite active. Just keeping an eye on him anyway, to make sure.

There is one thing I have to ask - he keeps opening and closing his mouth and just before he does he usually does this little jerk action with his head, he doesn't make any noise when doing it... is that normal? Is he trying to communicate with others of his species?
Are you sure he is blind?
A blind gecko would not be able to hunt, so it must be able to see if the crickets are disappearing imo.
With your question are your sure its not licking its eyes or side of its mouth?
They when they chirp it can be loud but it also can be very quiet so it may be that.
Also where did you get this gecko?

Thanks Gex
Hey there Geckoman.

Well, it seems that one eye is working to some level. Can't figure out how well, i'm not all that experienced with lizards... :S The other is missing (as I found out today). He had some weird crap covering his eye that had been bothering him for ages and must've dropped off last night, coz when I had a look at him today it was gone and there was a dint where an eye must've once been.

I'm hoping that one eye is enough for him to be able to catch food.

As for the chirping - I have heard it. Not all the time, but every now and then and it's generally not all that loud. He generally does it once then opens and closes his mouth a few times afterwards. So what does the chirping mean generally? Is it the same as when a bird chirps?

The gecko was given to me by a mate who found him at his work in a bit of a state after the major storms in Melbourne a little while ago. Poor thing didn't want to drown, i'm thinking. :D

Sorry for all the questions etc, I just want to make sure i'm doing this all correctly.
it isnt legal to take them from the wild, and im pretty sure you need a special licence to take them even if they are injured.
Afraid that's right..but you have done the right thing by saving him,its what anyone of us would do..but if he seems to be doing ok it would prob be best to release him again m8.*)
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