Blue Tongue fight night ended in grief

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Not so new Member
Dec 20, 2008
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Coffs Harbour
My pet bluey was having a nice run around the yard when all of a sudden a wild male bluey came at him and they started fighting! The wild one got ahold of my blueys leg and started a death roll and now I think my boys leg may be broken. The vets around here are not the best with reps so has anyone had to splint or cast a lizard leg before? I would appreciate some advice before I give it a go.
yeah take to a vet first for xray, unless you can do one at home :)
thats awful :( yeah i would say get an xray just to see if it is broken, and try to treat at home if the rep vet arent great.. good luck tho! hugs for blue bub!
Yasmin what makes you think its broken? can you get any pics? what does the leg look like and is the bluey using or moving it at all?
Sorry Yasmin, they may not be the best herp vets but they are better qualified than you. Take your bluetongue to the local vet and get them to use their rescourses to contact another vet who can advise them. They will also have literature and web access to assist them.
Yasmin what makes you think its broken? can you get any pics? what does the leg look like and is the bluey using or moving it at all?

I dunno if that really matters, if he was attacked by a wild animal that may have other diseases, and his leg may have been injured, why not take it to the vet anyway? Probably best to be cautious
your right furiousgeorge maybe she should have asked for as many people as possible to suggest a vet to her
at least then the people wanting to post would have been able to answer her question
Too right Farma, wasn't having a go at you just pointing out that if people think there is a problem with an animal, especially one as painful and potentially permanant as a broken leg, they should go straight to a professional instead of attempting to do a home job. I mean fair call its not a freaking carby engine
the problem is in our area we dont have vets that specialise in reptiles, "put it in a dark box and keep it warm" is probably the answer she will get! from what i recall yasmin is a wildlife carer with WIRES so im sure getting the animal to a vet was probably the first thing on her mind, the nearest decent herp vet i have found is sydney so this involves more than just throwing the animal in box and going for a quick drive down the road, not all of us have it that easy. at the least without considering her other animals, job or house its a 5-6hr drive then finding somewhere to stay then another 5-6hr drive back.
I do agree that the animal possibly needs professional treatment but without stating the blatently obvious in the meantime i cant offer any advice without seeing the animal so I asked for pics
does anyone that has offered advice have any idea what to do in the meantime with the animal or is everyone fresh out of ideas?
Your local vet is adequately trained to deal with wildlife cases and in this case a pet. It may mean doing a bit of legwork yourself sometimes but they are generally willing to learn. $Especially for paying customers.(that dollars sign was a typo). They are there, they can do the job, just make them know it.
As a vet nurse who has worked in a gp that see's exotics and at a standard emergency hospital, i can say that yes, wildlife is often put in a quiet dark place and not really much done, but if its a pet consult a vet will at least look and often refer to an exotic vet, read up, or call an exotic vet for advice. Is the bluey wormed? Im concerned about infection and internal issues as well as the leg, if you want some general home care advice (anyone, anytime) I can try to help if u pm me, but id suggest maybe even ringing a rep vet, and keeping him quiet and watch His behaviour (movement, poo and wee, eyes, breathing, favouring arm, rash etc)
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