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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2003
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British Columbia, Canada
What the hell is he doing holding a rattlesnake like that anyway?

Its a pet, no matter how dangerous an animal has the potential to be, if its a pet its harmless :roll: . Even mice have the potential to give a bit of a nasty bite (of course there strill low on the damage scale), but a lot of people I know have reached there hands into my rodent breeding tanks thinking that the mother mouse wont mind them brushing some stuf near there babies. Then they act surprised when there bitten.
I agree, he could be one of those snake related religious wackoes that think they are immune to snake venom, purposely get bitten and wonder why some of them drop dead. Most religions seems to have a basis, snake worshippers are just lunies. (Im not afraid to speak my mind, muhahahahahahahaha).

Whered you get the pic from anyway? Im guessin it must be from a recent news report.
I really don't think he's a Southern Baptist (religious snake handlers). Most of the snakes they handle are kept really cool so they are not likely to strike. I think he's just some kid messing around, showing off while his friends took some pictures. Not like hot keepers don't have a tough enough time over here...
What the hell is he doing holding a rattlesnake like that anyway?


A. He's learning what NOT to do! :D
If he lived long enough to learn the lesson. I don't know what happened to the guy. I saw a story on Nation Geographic, where this red-neck that was drunk (ofcourse) attempted to pick up a majove and ended up needing over 14 viles of antivenon to save his life.

recently i saw a doco where an idiot picked up a rattlesnake but didnt get close enough to the head and was bitten on the wrist with a massive ammount of venom

he needed something like 140 viles to save him, and had to be sliced open at the arms/legs to let perssure out of the muscles

he learnt his lesson
I don't get it. I've got a wagler's temple pit viper and they're the mellowest snake I've ever seen. They're venom is really weak but I still have the mind set that she could kill me. I take no chances. I read that in about 89% of invenomations in North America, alcohol is the key factor. I'd wager the number is even higher.
Almost all snake attacks in Oz are intentionally initiated by the human. Alcohol would play a part., as it did with that story I linked to, but if you are going to do stupid things while drunk then perhaps you should change your recreational drug use.
When I'm drunk I become more powerful and also gain past experience in what ever I want to do. I also notice women looking at me.
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