Myself and Jannico recently did another trip with bali reptile rescue to Kalimantan, Borneo. We started in Banjarmasin and had around a week and a half in a remote section of jungle few westerners get to visit. We then had a few days looking for orangutans in central Borneo, which we found. We managed to tick off a fair few new species, even though it was dry season, and all up i was extremely happy with the trip.
Heres a few highlights
This was the first snake of the trip a boiga dendrophilla, these guys are always good for a laugh
mangrove cat snake by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
This little bubby retic was about 4m up a tree right next to our camp, he gave jannico a little kiss
Reticulated python by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
reticulated python in habitat by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
We found this gorgeous sumatran pit viper on one of our night walks, he had just had a massive feed
Sumatran pit viper by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
Sumatran pit viper by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
We didnt get to photograph as many frogs as i would have liked but this arboreal toad caught our eye
Bufo asper by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
No asia trip is complete without a prasina
oriental whip snake by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
This Wallaces flying frog was definitely a high light for me!
Wallaces flying frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
wallaces flying frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
We also found a couple of keel backs, much more colourful then their australian counterparts. This is a speckled bellied keelback
speckled bellied keelback by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
This little Grabowskys reed snake crossed the path in front of us, he was also surprisingly pretty and also gave jannico a little kiss
Grabowsky's Reed Snake by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
It was around this time that a 3m bornean king crossed the path infront of me while i was by myself... Sadly it got away but luckily we found some more in bali!
The second viper of this trip was this little male bornean keeled viper
Bornean keeled viper by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
The translucent red of this cinnamon frog was extremely difficult to capture, i tried
cinnamon frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
Down at our second base camp we found a few dragons. This is a male gonocephalus borneensis, they sleep on the end of the tree branches so are easy to find at night.
Male gonocephalus borneensis by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
This is a green crested lizard
green crested lizard by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
This was just next to our second base camp where we found this boiga. He was extremely uncooperative and we actually released him and he came swimming straight back...
mangrove cat snake in habitat by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
After our week and a half in the jungle we set off back to Banjarmasin and into central borneo. On our first night we found this painted mock viper, unfortunately he was heavily in shed.
Painted mock viper by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
Bronze backs were aplenty
bronze back by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
as well as reptiles we also found, orangutans!
bornean orangutan by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
While out on the klotok (boat) looking for orangutans we spotted 2 of these marquis dorias water snakes hooked on shallow lines. We cut the lines and managed to unhook them and safely release them.
Marquis Doria Water Snake by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
After our 2 weeks in Borneo we headed back to bali for a king cobra trip.
This was a relocated king we got to play with at one of the BRR bases
king cobra by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
After having a bit of fun with that guy we drove further west to find a truely wild one. We found this one within about half an hour, he was not happy to see us.
king cobra by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
king cobra by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
king cobra by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
We went for a herp that night and found the cutest snake on earth, the keeled slug eater
keeled slug eater by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
and some white lipped island vipers
white lipped island pitviper by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
also a boiga cynodon, stunning snakes
dog toothed cat snake by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
Oh and i also got to meet this unusual rescue spitting cobra. Hes now been released.
unusual spitting cobra by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
After all of that were now back in Australia
But ill be headed back over to bali for a couple of months at the end of the year. For anyone headed out that way i would highly reccomend bali reptile rescue!
Heres a few highlights
This was the first snake of the trip a boiga dendrophilla, these guys are always good for a laugh

This little bubby retic was about 4m up a tree right next to our camp, he gave jannico a little kiss

We found this gorgeous sumatran pit viper on one of our night walks, he had just had a massive feed

We didnt get to photograph as many frogs as i would have liked but this arboreal toad caught our eye

No asia trip is complete without a prasina

This Wallaces flying frog was definitely a high light for me!

We also found a couple of keel backs, much more colourful then their australian counterparts. This is a speckled bellied keelback

This little Grabowskys reed snake crossed the path in front of us, he was also surprisingly pretty and also gave jannico a little kiss

It was around this time that a 3m bornean king crossed the path infront of me while i was by myself... Sadly it got away but luckily we found some more in bali!
The second viper of this trip was this little male bornean keeled viper

The translucent red of this cinnamon frog was extremely difficult to capture, i tried

Down at our second base camp we found a few dragons. This is a male gonocephalus borneensis, they sleep on the end of the tree branches so are easy to find at night.

This is a green crested lizard

This was just next to our second base camp where we found this boiga. He was extremely uncooperative and we actually released him and he came swimming straight back...

After our week and a half in the jungle we set off back to Banjarmasin and into central borneo. On our first night we found this painted mock viper, unfortunately he was heavily in shed.

Bronze backs were aplenty

as well as reptiles we also found, orangutans!

While out on the klotok (boat) looking for orangutans we spotted 2 of these marquis dorias water snakes hooked on shallow lines. We cut the lines and managed to unhook them and safely release them.

After our 2 weeks in Borneo we headed back to bali for a king cobra trip.
This was a relocated king we got to play with at one of the BRR bases

After having a bit of fun with that guy we drove further west to find a truely wild one. We found this one within about half an hour, he was not happy to see us.

We went for a herp that night and found the cutest snake on earth, the keeled slug eater

and some white lipped island vipers

also a boiga cynodon, stunning snakes

Oh and i also got to meet this unusual rescue spitting cobra. Hes now been released.

After all of that were now back in Australia