Boxhead returns.....

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2011
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Landsborough, Qld. 4550
For about the 10th time, the big python is back in my rat shed :rolleyes: I changed a water bottle within about 6" of him, had just put the bottle back and he moved and I saw him :shock: He was just looking at me.... he couldnt care less :rolleyes::lol: I am glad he didnt bite me coz he sure has a head on him.... could deliver a nasty bite (if he could be bothered) :lol:

He is sitting on a couple of mouse cages.... the mice are wondering why I havent fed them yet.... I fed all the cages around him, I just held a piece of mesh between my hand and the cages in case he strikes.... but he just sits there and looks :)

Python 221112 007a.jpg
Is that the one earlier in the year that came in through the roof? Nice looking carpet though. 8)
Um - omfg that thing's big - and he clearly thinks you're running a McMouse restaurant.
Any chance of getting him for a breeding loan for next season ;)
ha ha.

It is great to see a wild one in all seriousness. If he stays much longer you will have to put him on licence. Ha ha
Is that the one earlier in the year that came in through the roof? Nice looking carpet though. 8)

Yea, its him again.... he's a bit over 3m long, not that anyone believes it :rolleyes::lol: Anyone is welcome to come and measure him as I release him again tomorrow ;)

Last monday I took him down the back again, this pic was where he was then. Now when I go out to the rat shed, first thing I do is just look where he is.... I know where he usually hangs out.... not usually on the mouse cages :lol: It is funny tho, while he is looking at the rats, he has his face right up at the cage.... the rats come up and sniff him :shock: they have NO IDEA what he is, or what he would do to them if the mesh wasnt in between them :shock: Actually, I am worried a rat might get hold of his toung and damage him, because he isnt real careful around the rats either :rolleyes:

I actually rang licensing and told them he has been back many times and he keeps smashing his face into the cages mesh, when he strikes for the rats and I am worried he will injure his jaw. I asked if there was any way I could get a permit to keep him. They said no. I asked if it was true I read that up to 2 reptiles can be kept if they are from the property and dont leave the property.... the lady said that clause is mainly so a kid can keep a frog he finds in the back yard, without his father going to jail :lol: She finished by saying "Its up to you what you do, but there is no way we can give you a permit to keep it" I am not sure what she meant by that?:shock:


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When you grab him to relocate him is he snappy or quite calm?

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Why hunt when a free meal is available? :lol:
When I grab him he gets a bit nervous, I have a video on here somewhere if you search, from when I got him before.... he sort of has a bit of a lazy lunge at me, but it is just a bit of a show I reckon. I wouldnt like to cop a bite from him tho :shock: would definately hurt!

I am going to go get him off the cages now (hopefully he has moved already) I know he will hang onto the mouse cages and pull them with him :rolleyes: I dont feel like rounding up lots of mice right now ;)

Will post later how I get on
Don't keep him, a carpet of that size is extremely important for the local gene pool's vigour.
How far away are you relocating him? obviously not far enough....
Don't keep him, a carpet of that size is extremely important for the local gene pool's vigour.
How far away are you relocating him? obviously not far enough....

I just take him/her to the back of my property, as far from the road as possible....I dont mind that he comes back again and again, its good to see him.... just as long as i know where he is :shock: he has quite a gob on him :lol:

I just gave him a poke with the hook and asked him to move.... he moseyed on down under the rat cages and parked himself there ;) Next time he comes out in the open, I'll take him for a ride.....
Its great having him there. He will keep your mouse collection free of wild rats spreading disease. We had wild rats come through and infest our rat collection with lice when we were breeding them. We ended up getting rid of them as we didnt know what else they gave to our rats. If he doesnt bother you and hes not snappy I would just leave him in the shed. lol
Rofl! do you enter your shed nice and slowly now? *opens door* hellooooooo anyone here....?

Can he hang from the roof? Or sit up in structural beams or something? That would be scarey.... walk in suddenly and he freaks out. BAM RIGHT IN THE KISSER ouch :S!
He certainly is a stunner those extra pics you posted show his pattern and colour really nicely. :)

Jealous Much!!
Attachment failure... you need some little blue pills Ratbag, old age is hitting you as much as my altzheimers.
I finally got it up, didnt need the blue pills ;)

That is his new 'spot' where he can keep an eye on me :lol:

It has been hot, so I plonked a saucer of water in front of him..... he just moseyed up to it, stuck his snoz in it and had about a 5 minute drink :shock:

Good service in this resteraunt.... I was going to offer to wipe his chin when he finished, but I changed my mind ;)
Your lucky. You get a nice carpet that pays you a visit. Alls I have is feral cats. Why don't we kill a couple birds with one stone, or a couple cats with one carpet. Send it my way. Cat lovers insert hater comments below.:p
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Hmmm let me get this Captain: you've named him Boxhead; and they DERM said that you're OK to basically leave him be, as after all he's natural part of your property anyway; and due to the 24hrs open for service of McMouse, McRat resturant complete with water bowl.... ; He's back for at least the 10th time... sounds like you have a beautiful, fairly placid large pet carpet...
sooo jealous...
yeah, he is awsome.... I feel honoured he likes to hang around. Twice last night while I was feeding the rats, I looked at him and hewas stretched out towards me, looking at me with both eyes.... I nearly pooped myself he was so close :shock: and stepped back. I promised myself the next time he does it, I will just stand still and let him have a sniff...see what he wants to do. Then, about an hour later, he did it again.... again, I freaked out :rolleyes: and steped back..... it is hard not to react when something that big is stretching out towards you :lol:

I am going out there to feed the rats soon, I am determined to let him have a sniff, so will post the pics of the bite marks if he gets me ;)
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