Gtp are coming down in price quickly it's expensive to buy adults if you do get hatchlings you can't sex until 12months old and by the time they breed the will be worth under $500 ea as for paradox darwins the don't throw paradoxes every clutch and numbers are low even when they do. Buying two paradox albino hatchlings and breeding them together doesn't mean they will produce paradox hatchlings. Also they are a new morph not understood, over priced, people who already breed them can't get rid of them and are only selling females. You should get a good high paying job and have snakes as a hobby and if you do want to breed have 1 or 2 projects so you can keep back most of the young to breed back and have fun!!! Breeding reptiles is not a get rich quick idea many have tried and all have failed
And all have failed.....who are you kidding..!!! There are many keepers that have made fortunes out there and did so for many years. They are now making less due to market changes, but none the less, they have done extremely well from reptiles in the past and still do OK now. The only way you will 'make money' from this hobby is to be prepared to outlay large amounts up front for the latest morphs. But you also need to know what you are getting yourself into and understanding the genetics behind these animals so you that you know what you are working with. Most of the high end animals these days have a form of genetic mutation, whether it be recessive or co-dominant, and these critters can produce some amazing results when paired up to a variety of nicely marked animals. However standard polygenic traits that are slapped with some fan dangled name are nothing more than a pretty snake with no real potential in the 'mutations' race, so paying a lot for them will not get you very far long term.
@Skellhorn - You should really also consider the amount of time you will spend looking after the animals as a whole. You may say that you don't take into account your own free time, but it is a time you should really factor into the equation, after all, there are many other things you can do, such as nothing or watch telly. If you have two snakes to care for, your time is minimal and a feed/clean once a week/fortnight will take you no time. However when you suddenly have 10 hatchies, which will take you hours just get feeding, and then feeding every 4 or 5 days and cleaning every few days as they are little poop machines, you will soon realise how much time you actually spend looking after them, which will add to your expenses column. Don't forget to then add the 'can you send me pics of its cloaca, top jaw and its eye ball' brigade, the 'I am going to ask you 1000 questions and not buy it from you' or the 'I bought a snake and its not eating, what should I do (even though you never sold them the snake) - tyre kickers that will soon take up many hours of your valuable time and then they wonder why you get the poops with them......:? Don't get me wrong, I am all for helping people, but when selling animals I put the majority of info needed and pics as well, but some people can't even give you the courtesy of their name. Sorry, ends rant. All I am trying to say is that there is a heap of lost time that goes into these animals as well which you need to take into consideration. Even the half hour to an hour spent with the buyer at the time of purchasing comes into the fact. So, no, you won't make a poo load of money unless you are extremely boring and have no life, therefore having many hours of unprecious time to waste.