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I got no problem with people breeding "normals".
As long as they look after them until re-homing them, why should it be anyones problem?
I got no problem with people breeding "normals".
As long as they look after them until re-homing them, why should it be anyones problem?

because now the rest of us cant charge big $$$ like we use to...
because now the rest of us cant charge big $$$ like we use to...

You could still charge big bucks, if you waited long enough, they would eventually sell. It is a domino affect where someone is selling theres for say $150 but sees someone selling theres at $120 so drop the price to $100 and so on.
Its a sad day when you see a reptile under $100 as a $50 dollar animal just become disposable if they have issues. easier to buy another for that price then pay for vet services etc. that the issue i dont like with dirt cheap animals.... jmo

I dont agree with this at all, but this is a personal opinion. I have a strong attatchment to my animals regardless of their purchase price. We brought a lop earred bunny for $25 off dollars and i just spent $100 at the vet for it... plus $200 for a decent sized enclosure. Same with pythons.... i buy partial for appearance, but at the end of the day i find you form an attachment that is far greater than a $$$ figure placed by a vet or otherwise.

'Entry' level prices and animals are a good way to get people truly interested in the hobby. I think they have their place. Regardless of what enters my collection, my first python (Wheatbelt Stimson) will always have a special spot....
Both have one hypo parent, and very reduced black. what else do you call them?
Not being a jerk, I'd actually like to know...
Can they breed hypo's or just more reduced blacks?

A normal bredli with a hypo parent.

Het implies the trait is controlled by one gene and breeding will have predicatable outcomes. Hypomelanism in bredli is not controlled by one gene so therefore so such thing as a het for hypo bredli.
i was only speaking for myself and what i look for in my animals, i don't have a problem with anyone else doing what they do, its all personal choice and you do what you like, if you like "normals" there is nothing wrong with that go for it, if you think you can handle breeding them then go for it, and i mean that in a nice way, each to their own, it takes all sorts to make the world go round.

not everyone can afford to have 'show quality' and spectacular animals...
Some like to have them because they enjoy them, want companionship, etc, etc. Just because you think it's ugly, doesn't mean that everyone else has the same opinion and standards.

why do people breed dogs or cats? or every other animal?
A normal bredli with a hypo parent.

Het implies the trait is controlled by one gene and breeding will have predicatable outcomes. Hypomelanism in bredli is not controlled by one gene so therefore so such thing as a het for hypo bredli.

Thank you. I just learnt something. Kinda what I'm here for!
not everyone can afford to have 'show quality' and spectacular animals...
Some like to have them because they enjoy them, want companionship, etc, etc. Just because you think it's ugly, doesn't mean that everyone else has the same opinion and standards.

why do people breed dogs or cats? or every other animal?

yeah and thats totally cool.

Higher quality animals can be expensive yes, you will have to pay $$$ if you really want it or can afford it, but not always, sometimes you can get lucky, i'v seen some pretty nice animals on here and other places that have sold for a lower price, some people can't wait and just buy the first thing that comes their way.
What is a higher quality animal, one that comes from generations of inbreeding to perfect a colour/pattern, or crossbred back to snakes that may or may not have a genetic fault. Might be better looking in some peoples opinion but not necessarily higher quality from a health point of view. I think it is great that people still want to breed normal coloured/patterned snakes. If everyone bred for 'quality', normal, wild looking animals would disappear from the hobby completely. Why does reptile keeping always have to be about money and status. Maybe I am naive to have thought maybe it would be different.
What is a higher quality animal, one that comes from generations of inbreeding to perfect a colour/pattern, or crossbred back to snakes that may or may not have a genetic fault. Might be better looking in some peoples opinion but not necessarily higher quality from a health point of view. I think it is great that people still want to breed normal coloured/patterned snakes. If everyone bred for 'quality', normal, wild looking animals would disappear from the hobby completely. Why does reptile keeping always have to be about money and status. Maybe I am naive to have thought maybe it would be different.

IMO "quality" doesn't have to be about the and most expensive. Out of a litter or clutch there will always be the pick of the litter which will be of "higher quality" for a start. If there is an animal that has certain colour/pattern that your personally looking for then you may have to pay more.
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Hardly any such thing as for "the love of it" these days. Early on snakes were traded within breeding circles for free. Personally I'd do just fine trading between people i know for the animals I want. And have done. Nothing wrong with breeding Coastals or the like IMHO. I was never in it to make money. Never have been. Good luck to those who choose to do so. All the power to them. Quite frankly the prospect of doing so for profit is too much of a headache for me. I prefer to keep the collection small and manageable.
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IMO "quality" doesn't have to be about the and most expensive. Out of a litter or clutch there will always be the pick of the litter which will be of "higher quality" for a start. If there is an animal that has certain colour/pattern that your personally looking for then you may have to pay more.

Well, I will never get the snake I really want as it is, with any luck, frolicking free in the coastal bush of Urunga, NSW. It is a wild black and white coastal that adopted us for a few weeks when I was living out bush. I can honestly say it is the most stunning snake I have ever seen and I have not seen one that comes anywhere close to it in captivity. I feel privileged that it chose to spend a few weeks with us on its travels.
Sad days, many of the smaller skinks you simply cannot get on license because they would not sell for much. Some people would see these as "disposable" reptiles but others like myself would almost kill to be able to keep some of these species that are simply not available because they wont make breeders money. Prices limit reptile keeping, those deemed worthless eventually stop being available.
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I'm trying to create my ideal snakes from the stock I have... bound to be some by product as I go along. Unfortunately If I have to sell them for $100 or less so be it, possibly even give them away or trades for snakey food or husbandry equipment if it gets that bad. Nothing I can do about the market unfortunately....

how about laccie? good excuse to keep one red :lol: i don't know vic laws tho.
how about laccie? good excuse to keep one red :lol: i don't know vic laws tho.

It's crossed my mind once or twice mate ;), don't have the funds or the room though to build a nice outdoor enclosure for it. Heck don't even have room for BHPs... Yeah we can keep lacies here with no probs, just on the advance licence which I already have.
My collection runs at a huge profit because i choose my species wisely . This does not mean i make a living from it . But as far as how much i make and how much they cost they are in the black buy miles.
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