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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2003
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either fishing or not
Howdy, here's a couple of pics of my varanus brevicauda that I promised rams that I'd post up.
They're one of my favourites to sit and watch. They are active, not shy or spooky and I'm sure you'll agree are very beautiful little critters.
I used to have glass dividers between those basking spots to keep them housed individually while they grew up so I could monitor (nice pun me) their food intake and stop any bullying. I recently did away with all of the dividers except for one and all are getting along well. Hopefully there'll be some eggs this season. I've seen two evert hemipenes after a crap and one has laid a clutch of slugs so there's at leat one girl amongst the five.
The dichroics on a track work well. They come in a kit at Bunnings and you can easily adjust them in height to give you whatever basking temperature you're after. Each globe is 20w and it's around 60 degrees on the basking spots. I think it's good to have a few basking spots in there and the small globes don't super heat the whole enclosure. Little monitors need a hot hot spot but also need to be able to escape that heat. There's a flouro up in the top too.
Oh yeah I took the sliding glass doors out for the pic. The glass front you can see there stops anything getting out if you leave a door open and stops sand getting in the door tracks, a good thing on terrestrial gecko enclosures too!
Hooroo, Steve.


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Good stuff Steve,that setup aint too shabby.

Hope they do the job for you this year.
Great stuff fishy. Dont forget I've tattoed my name to their gonads!
Thanks guys, they have a little more growing to do Timmo but are nearly there. The biggest male is about five inches snout to vent at a very rough guess.
Warren the enclosure is a 4'x2'x2'.
Hey big bad Bob, haha so you want all boys then?
Thanks guys, they have a little more growing to do Timmo but are nearly there. The biggest male is about five inches snout to vent at a very rough guess.
Warren the enclosure is a 4'x2'x2'.
Hey big bad Bob, haha so you want all boys then?

nah, them goannanads go X and Y!
Great set up Steve :D Just wandering, for the glass dividers, are they on tracks aswell? Or do they sort of just sit there? I know theres only one in the picture but just intrigued by it thats all. Also, whats the name of those light fittings that have the adjustable lengths?
looks good fishhead. fingers crossed you get lots of little eggs
Hey Olive, the dividers sit into little aluminium angle pieces that are screwed down to the floor.

Thanks tristis, it's always a buzz when one of your favourites is coming up to what might be it's first breeding season, new behaviours to watch and all that goes with it.
in the pic is the big guy in the middle the male?
im having trouble working out my sexse, i think i have 2:1 but is hard to find good pics to compare.
what size/age did the female lay the slugs?
is the female in the pic above.
Hey there Tristis, the one on top of the pile is the girl that laid the slugs. She's the second biggest of the five and was about 16 months old at that time. I've seen two males evert, one is the big boof headed one in the centre of the pic (second one down in the pile) and the other male is the smallest of the whole lot. I can't see much difference in the cloacal spurs.
Xraying is the go according to Dr Danny. Please let us know what shows up if you do get them xrayed.
lookin good, how have you got the lighting setup? Like where do you get the hanging fittings?
Bunnings bro, they come in a kit. Sorry I can't recall what they were called but basically there's a transformer with cables coming out of it that each light clamps to with a penetrating screw to close the circuit.
thanks fishhead, i might look into getting them xrayed.
ill keep you posted mate.
they certainly are lookers :D

they remind me of a really small ackie ;)

cheers gurds:)
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