Brown scale spotted python

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Not so new Member
Jun 2, 2012
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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Australia
Hey guys i have a spotted python that had what i thought was scale rot on one scale as it was brown and shrivelled up he shed last night the skin was in 2 pieces and the discoloured scale has disappeared should i still be worried i keep his tank clean and there isn't to much humidity
Now that he is shed and its gone, I wouldnt worry too much mate. Just keep his enclosure clean and keep an eye on that area of his belly, but I dont think you will see it come back.
Scale rot doesn't just affect one scale. The reasons snakes shed their skins is to allow for growth, and to renew their external surface, which will get some damage and wear & tear over time. Humans shed their skins too - just not in one piece, but in minute flakes constantly.

If you not sure of the humidity you should look into a hygrometer,they can start under $10,so its cheap so you can start to resolve your humidty issues and have a happier snake that will shed better,just my 5c...
If you not sure of the humidity you should look into a hygrometer,they can start under $10,so its cheap so you can start to resolve your humidty issues and have a happier snake that will shed better,just my 5c...

A waste of $10. "Humidity issues" are largely a figment of novice imagination, except where the management of highly specialised animals is being undertaken. None of the commonly kept species of carpets, Aspidites & Antaresias will have difficulty with the humidity in the average home. The "need" for hygrometers has only a developed since reptiles became commercially available through pet outlets, and they have the opportunity to load up the novice with useless junk, the biggest problem of which is the spreading of misinformation like "You'll need a hygrometer..." You don't!

Hygrometers can also be highly inaccurate, particularly the cheap ones
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