brown tree snake questions

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Not so new Member
Sep 20, 2009
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hi guys n girls
first post in a while but just a couple of questions
how big do they usually get?
how "potent" is their venom?
what size enclosure would you need for 1 and a pair?
cheers guys and girls all answers are appreciated :)
They make terrific captives IMO. I've seen a few grow to approx 1.5mtrs, but supposedly they can reach 2mtrs??

Their venom isn't really an issue either. Plenty will say because they are rear fanged there is little opportunity for them to get them into your skin, I disagree! Their heads act like a flip-top lid :lol: and they'll grind em into you with no dramas at all. Some keepers have reported a tingling feeling with mild swelling symptoms (supposedly no worse than a bee sting). I was never bitten by mine when he was alive (recently/regrettably died from a spinal tumor I had a vet diagnose and assist with) and he was handled regularly. Best to never get bitten by anything venomous to be honest.

Enclosures can be setup like any arboreal python tank. Size is determined by the size of animal also. This is one species I believe are quite happy to bunk in together.

Best to always get a youngster who has already been weaned onto rodents! One benefit is they don't smell so bad :lol:, the other is avoiding all those trips to aquariums to buy stooopid fish to feed them :lol: Good luck! Great snakes!
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