Building an Incubator

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Active Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Hey guys i was gonna build an incubator for my levis and milli.
I was thinking of a styrofoam box with a heat cord (or pad) attached along the sides and bottom attached to a spare thermostat.
I am gonna put the eggs in a container filled with sand and spray them once a day for water.
Is this a good idea and if anyone did a similar thing could u please upload some pictures and how you attached the cord.
Stupid Question: does the container needs holes in it
Sounds good, I'm planning on breeding gex like you, I found a thread somewhere on here. Try searching it up, it was a good read though it might of been deleted.
If you PM your email I shall send you a pdf on converting an old fridge of some kind (doesn't even have to be a working fridge) into an incubator. It was written by John McGrath who in my opiuion is one of the best gecko breeders in the state of victoria.
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Ooh, I'll have to pm you there CN!With the containers, you don't use sand you use vermiculite and water (there are certain ratios for it) and fill up half the container with vermiculite and water. IMO I think you should try and buy "A guide to Australian geckos and pygopods in captivity", it has some great info and it's helping me already, I haven't even got the geckos!
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[MENTION=35846]HerpNthusiast[/MENTION], i have posted this build instruction before but will do it again for you. :) ................Ron


  • Making a Cheap Incubator.doc
    333.5 KB
Thanks guys for all the tips they're helping me keep em coming i'd also like to hear stories about people successfully breeding this specific species and other animals.
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