Beardies are one of the easist reptiles to photograph. The let you get close, move around to get the light and look spectacular. This was taken with the cool-pix 900
But for an easy to get spectacular image you can't beat a wild sleepy displaying. HINT : as soon as you touch a sleepy they won't display so don't touch them
If you catch a sleepy in the open they normally display. You can provoke them a little by moving your hand over them. Careful they can and do bite, rarely break the skin though - no real teeth but it can hurt
Its down at the moment I think the server suffered an intrustion as I couldn't log on as root ( *nix heads will know what I am taking about). So I did a rebuild and then nothing worked. I have to get my finger out and fix it up properly.
Fuscus - loved that first Shingleback shot, thought the car in the background was very poignant!
And Danielsan, that harbour shot was a beauty! Did it take long to set up, and did it require manual adjustment of the shutterspeed etc? (I know it would with film)
thanks Hix
Didnt take much time at all it was taken from a friends balcony!
The Handrail was my tripod ,bout 1 am and I set the shutter speed to 4 secs