Cancer in Snakes

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Sorry simone. I lost a Coastal recently with a number of similarities to what you've described. I had her for two years, first 12 months in quarrantine, before she had a few problems with a shed. That developed into a mouth infection followed by an RI. She was quarrantined again by that stage, and the infections cleared up after two weeks. Three months later the RI came back. This happened on and off for another two years until she developed a bowel blockage. During the operation to remove the blockage it was found to be a form of bowel cancer and she had to be destroyed. The autopsy was clear other than the cancer which had obviously been the cause of the stress relating to the other problems. I did the same thing questioning my tecnique and ability throughout the entire ordeal, but in the end I realised I had done everything I could, and it was in fact a relief in a way to find out that a virus was not responsible.
It is an awful feeling isn't it Blackdog. We picked up 3 new animals from Roy Pails last night- all of them stunning- but my Dad said to me this morning if our "Belle" had died last week, he would have cancelled his order and sold all his animals, i thought i was the only one that felt THAT heartbroken. I've never seen my Dad so upset either.

The autopsy cost me $50.00, small price to pay to fine out the cause of my animal's death. I couldn't be more grateful to the vt.

That is really sad to hear Simone, she is such a beautiful snake too!

But don't be sad that she has gone, smile and be happy that she was in your life for all those years and she has bought a lot of happy memories that will always be with you!

Take care...Wayne
Hi Wayne,

Yeah-i'm glad she was mine, i don't know if there will ever be another like her. The really was the love of my life.
I got her from the vet yesterday, and her frozen body in my arms got into the car with the bottom lip trmbling- made the mistake of reading the autopsy finding and squealed all the way home. I managed to stop as serpenttongue was waiting for me when i got home- walked into my room and cried again.
Today i was ok, i went to Harvey Norman to get some pics fo her printed off, i had 2 gold engraved plates done with her name on it, and got some frames so i have like a little memorial to her. They came out looking better than i expected.
The weird thing is the different attitudes towards snakes. An old fat lady with her persian cat was standing at the counter and when she realised i had a snake in the bag she yelled" why would you wanna keep a snake for ewwww yucko"!- i replied with well "i couldn't understand why somone would keep a cat or let themselves get into the state of obesity you have but you don't hear me bitching about it!" And i walked out with Belle's body more upset than ever.
Well tonight i went to Harvey Norman to get her photos printed and the girl said 'oh my god is that your snake ? is it a carpet python? oh wow she's beautiful ? oh wow how lovely". This came from some one who doesn't keep snakes. I got back in the car and had a lil cry again- but i was a little happier knowing that she was mine.

An old fat lady with her persian cat was standing at the counter and when she realised i had a snake in the bag she yelled" why would you wanna keep a snake for ewwww yucko"!- i replied with well "i couldn't understand why somone would keep a cat or let themselves get into the state of obesity you have but you don't hear me bitching about it!"

That is the best call i have ever heard!
Don't worry babe i'm feelin ya :) never gets any easier tho :(
Nothing will ever replace that feeling of losing her but like you said at least you can say "she was mine" and the love you had for her will never be taken away!!
I'm glad you have the little memorial done for her, that would be soo special!
The day I read your thread about losing your girl I went home and got our 6yr old diamond out and cuddled him for ages!!!! He was probably wondering what was going on but sometimes we got sooo caught up in our lives we put aside the things that matter to us most!!! (oh god I'm crying again - I know I'm a sook!!! :rolleyes:)
I would love to see pics of your new babies!
Best wishes Simone my thoughts are with you
Good work Simone, I always think of good come-backs five minutes too late. ;)
Well the last comeback prior to that incident was another lady, old and large but with my facial hair than i seen on men, who bagged the guy out next to me for having a snake then went onto to ask what my animal was and i politely repiled,"forest dragon". and she went on to say how ugly it was. "so i put my arms around the tub and said "well if this thing could talk he'd say the same thing about you only he would also tell you to use some clippers on your beard".
The guy next to me couldn't stop luaghing and after i finished my appointment he was still in the waiting room with tears in his eyes, and a fellow herper who had arrived while i was in with the vet had heard the story so he too was laughing. I have since learnt it's easier taking things in bags and waiting outside as to avoid the drama.

But here's the pic i did for my Dad - i only did one large one for him but after he saw all of the other little pics i had of her that were so typical of the little angel, he now wants to do a whole large frame of all these shots. Sorry about the glare in this pic,

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Simone that's aweomse!!!! It's giving me some ideas to do for all my "kiddies" as I've been wanting to put their pics on the wall.
So you got the frames from Harvey Norman? Where did you get the gold plated name plaque made up and how much did it cost?
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that veterinary surgery!!! Man the chaos you left behind... I love it!!! ;)
The women deserved that and more! How dare they comment on your pet, when they own CATS!!!!! Arrrggghhh!!
But power to you for giving it to them!! :D

I hope your weekend is a bit better than the week you've had and I hope your dad's feeling better too!

All the best
Mell :D
Thanks heaps Mell, The plaques i got from an engraver at Merrylands arcade, engraved each was $7 and the plaques have an adhesive at the back of them. The frame itself was bought for 16.00 from Big W, Harvey Norman have the same frames but are a little dearer but their photo centre is great. The prints are cheap, it cost 4.95 for the print of Belle which is 8 X 10 and the shots are ready within 2 minutes. The pic came out ebtter than i expected so i think i may do more like these. Being that my Dad wants a large one of all various shots, i may get a larger plaque done but with her the date she passed on it, but that might be a little too morbid.

I'm usually pretty nice to people about snakes- i know that often no matter what i say the ignoramus will have their own idea and that's it. But these two women really caught me on a bad day, more so the one this week.

Thanks for your warm wishes.

ive had a beardie with a cancerous growth in his mouth.
there was no infection etc.
sadly he didnt make it.
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