Jumala - Black dragons are very nice and one that I am yet to obtain. It won't happen overnight but it will happen
. I have never taken cuttings so am loving the look of your experiment as it is quite easy and well worth trying. I would like to see what the merrilliana x trusmadiensis that EP released looks like when full grown. Unfortunately I don't know of anyone with one. It's very exciting see neps grow and I really hope that the sib x turns out the way you want it to.
The guttering idea is fantastic and I've already shown friends the photos you posted and their comments have been hugely favourable. I find that just about every grower has a different way of growing their neps here in Australia so it is always interesting to see set ups such as yours. It's sad though that you had to loose plants.
Geck - Unfortunately I could not get down to MT Tomah for the display/sale. I know a few growers down there who went and apparently it was a good day. Do you have any more photos? What did you get? I am asking for more Neps for my birthday. The wife says no snakes but neps are fine
I've got a few photos to post now as you've all inspired me. These are most more of the same plants I've already posted however I wanted to post these too show the differences between individual plants, pitchers etc.
lowii x ampullaria x mira
The first photo is a new pitcher, the second show's what they colour up to and the third photo is of a pitcher on my second much smaller plant. As you can see the pitcher shape is different and the colour brighter. Having said that about the colour it is a little lighter then it shows up in the photos.
The difference between seed grown hybrids can be great and as time goes on the smaller plant may remain distinctly different to the larger plant I have or tend to show the same shape and colour pitcher of the other plant.
lowii x veitchii x campanulata
The first photo shows a pitcher on my larger plant which is a little unusual when compared to others growing on the same plant. This pitcher has a wide peristome where as the others have not. The colour however is the same. The second photo is of my second plant and shows new pitchers growing and colouring up.
Now back to normality
lowii x merrilliana-giant
This pitcher is just colouring/opening up and will go a deep burgundy colour. This particular hybrid should have massive pitchers and I can't wait to see them as they grow.
lowii x truncata wide-peristome
New pitcher which is starting to colour up.
New pitcher of Truncata (d) inflating
N. maxima x aristo (pitcher forming bottom right)
Although not a carnivorous plant this is a brom an elderly friend gave me the other day. I can't remember the name but it has purple tips on the end and is an easy grower with heaps of pups. Never thought i'd say to someone that I was having pups.