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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
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i dont know about anyone else but i wasnt to impressed, to many people selling antaresia, other then the gtp or few albinos, not much chop to me
Think yourselves lucky to have any kind of expo... nothing here in WA
it is early in the year, not all animals are eating. some are still hatching. so that makes it hard to have them available for sale.
I didn't think it was THAT bad. I mean I think the 'animals area' was a bit compact and became overcrowded quick but I found it to be pretty darn good.
went for a walk around, loads of people, some kids will not sleep tonight.:evil: The dude with the 2 birds got the ****s, when people started touching the birds.
gee, that wasnt well advertised, i didnt even know it was this weekend! :(
One thing I must commend would be the signage around. There was arrows every corner directing us to it !
I don't think it was to early in the year, the May expo is far too late, most animals are left overs or were slow starters, hardly the cream of the crop. February is probably one of the best months for an expo based on trading, most things have hatched and started feeding.
The organisers can't really be held responsible for the quality of animals for sale.
I thought they did a great job for first timers. No doubt it will get better and better. There are some pics up on the facebook page i noticed.
The prices all seemed quite good too...for the buyers.
theres no one some of the stuff was eating well yet to, way to small.
It was my first so I have nothing to compare to. I found the breeders good to talk to. I would have liked things spread out with a bit more space between the breeders as it was clumped in the middle of a lot of space.

I will go next year, if it is on, with the intention of purchasing 1-2 snakes dependent on what is on offer then.
I thought it was excellent, for what my inexperienced opinion is worth :D I actually liked that there were heaps of anteresia. I suppose there could have been more crazy new morphs, but there were plenty of neph geckos, darwins, costals, womas, a legless lizard...

I dunno, what animals do people think should have been there?
One thing I must commend would be the signage around. There was arrows every corner directing us to it !

Yeah, it was very helpful.

I thought it was ok, I arrived late so all the best had probably already sold.

I just wish my kid wasn't being such a turd.. had to leave about an hour after I got there :(

Wonder how many crickets were in that box for the guessing comp.. I entered twice... not that I have any need for 1500 crickets.. lol

I could'nt afford to go !! any pics ? anything special ?

There are pics on facebook
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