Well-Known Member
I went in the afternoon. Was good for a look and got to hold a few snakes, but was expecting a bit more variety with lizards.
I wanted PK's pair of roughies but somebody on here kept out bidding me for them (yeah you know who you are)
Haha, there's an idea. I tell mine that if I don't get snakes I may start asking for babies instead- just hope he never calls my bluff!(shudder)Haha, Thats what my hubby said to me...about 3 reptiles ago! "This is the last one OK!!!!???" "So I smile and say of course!!!! And under my breath I say "for this month!!!" lol
Tell your husband what I tell mine : He should consider himself lucky. Some girls demand diamonds for $10,000 and it barely fits on their little finger. My $800 diamond fits on my fingers, hand, arm and neck all at the same time! What a saving!!! :lol:
that if I don't get snakes I may start asking for babies instead
Yeah was from john he was nice enough to not sell it on me till we got a there
I went in the afternoon. Was good for a look and got to hold a few snakes, but was expecting a bit more variety with lizards.
i got myself a Baby Proserpineshe is sooo pretty !!
does any one have pics this thread is getting dull