Central beardies with sores on belly

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Did you get them to the vet?
I thought at first, it was possibly mites. Upon closer exam, I feel that it could be yellow fungus. If that is what it is it is very treatable early on but if you wait it gets worse.
Have they ever been on antibiotics before?
Don't automatically put them on antibiotics without a blood test to determine an infection because if it is yellow fungus, the antibiotics will only cause the yellow fungus to get worse.
The baths you can give you can put in betadine but dilute the betadine down to where it looks like weak tea. Or you could use novalsan wash as well, which is very effective. Try to get some witch hazel astringent or tea tree oil to dab on the affected areas. Next, get some lotrimen or lamisil antifungal cream to put on those affected area. Treat them daily to get the fungus to die off.
Or, the other thing it could be is messed up scales by rubbing them on something, or old skin that is going to shed. Just other possibilities.

I hope it all gets cleared up.

hey everyone,

thanks for all the replys, got them to the vet, turns out it was just a mild skin infection which is already starting to heal up as they have been havin betadine baths since sunday and will continue with them until its all gone,

thanks again all!
I would have a close look at your enclosure set ups, those type of sores are often caused by humidity, as you live in Cairns, and it's currently the wet season, I'd be thinking that is your problem. Try to keep it as dry as possible.
ha, dry, with my two?? even when i have 75% of the cage covered and kept dry they pick the one log or rock that isn't covered to sit and sleep on, or they just sleep in their water bowl, even when its not their usual sleeping place!! as for humidity, its not something that can be controlled to much in this environment, even my inside enclosures are humid!!
Yeah, fungus is a husbandry issue. Remove the water dishes if they sleep in them too much, you can always just take them out a few days and put them back in, beardeds do well without alot of water and even if they seem dehydrated, just give them a warm bath. Also you can put some water in their veggie dish when feeding.
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