Change in my Beardie's behaviour

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Active Member
May 3, 2007
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Hi guys,

Since we came back from the reptile show in castle hill, my beardie has radically changed her behaviour.
She used to move a lot in her tank, basking on branches and voraciously eating.

She now spends a lot of time in her hide (warm spot, just under the light), she barely eats whether it's her veggies or crickets and she really doesn't look happy.

She doesn't seem to lose weight.
Her temps are right
She didn't poo in a long time but as i said she barely eats.
I tried the usual tricks that would stimulate her bowels like basking in the sun outside, giving her a bath,... but unsuccesful.

Any idea?
Vet call? In that case, anybody knows a good rep vet in Sydney, Eastern Suburbs if possible?

Thanks guys.

Thanks, sorry, but i don't know all terms and shortcuts...

what's brumation?
Like hibernation?
Hi Yann

Nothing to worry about, probably wanting to brumate... like mine is doing right now..or trying lol
Australis has limited vocabulary outbursts on here ...he often uses small grunts and groans to express what he is saying ....he truly does care for your beardie :)
Thanks guys...
Australis, as I said I didn't mean to be nasty, forgive me please if I insulted you.
I didn't realise people still spoke like in cartoons: "Arghh!, Bang!, Brrr, Smash, click, etc...." :D

But please keep the ideas flowing...
If it's brumation (or hibernation), should I let her sleep and reduce the temps or should I try to stop her and keep her awake for the cooler months?

I have to say I never experienced hibernation with my reptiles and I always kept my MD awake for winter.
Last year the beardie didn't behave like this and she was active and alert for all winter.

Thanks for your support

Thanks, great link...

I think you guys were all right, it is brumation, well it looks like it anyway.
It's abit late for the vet visit a month before brumation but I will try to get a sample today or tomorrow and have her checked by the vet.
She seems she wantsto want to sleep, so i might give it a go if all a ok with vet.

Thanks everyone

the vet can get a sample, u dont need to worry.

how old is ur girl?

more than likely brumation like everyone else has said, but if ur worried David Vella in crows nest is good. 9436 4884.
Thanks Chris.

Dragon is 18 months old or so.
I tried to contact Randwick vets (they're in APS Wiki and it's only minutes away from me!) but i'm not that sure they do reptiles, or maybe not any more...
they still have to get back to me...

Thanks for the tip in crows nest, not too far either.

Cheers everyone, thanks for your help and support
Wakie wakie?

Hi guys...

Thanks for all the good tips above.

My Beardie's been brumating for over 2 weeks now and she spent all her time snugged inside her hide, with slight moves everyday but nothing major.

For the past 2 days, she's been slowly getting out of her hide and today she is completely out, lying where her basking spot used to be.
She still has her eyes closed tight but is it a sign that she's exiting brumation?
Do I have to wait until she's fully awake before I turn the heat on again or shall I give her a couple of hours of heat everyday, increasing slowly day after day?

It's my first brumation experience so I am still learning.

Cheers guys.
nah, turn her lights on if she looks like she wants them.

maybe she wants to poo or something, she might go right back to sleep after a few hours of basking, ya never know,...
Michelle Bingley is a mobile reptile vet that does from sydney to central coast her phone number is
0404 083 522
Other vets in sydney

  • Bellamy, Terri
    Austral Clinic
    Cnr. Edmondson & Tenth Ave. Austral - 2171
    (02) 9606 9312
    Fax.: (02) 9606 9263
    Canley Vale Clinic
    Cnr. Harden St. & Avoca Rd.
    Canley Heights - 2166
    (02) 9604 9792 / 9604 9300
    Fax. (02) 9604 0447
  • Johnson, Robert
    South Penrith Veterinary Clinic
    126 Stafford Street
    South Penrith - NSW2750
    Tel. (02) 47214796
    email: [email protected]
    Springwood Veterinary Clinic
    12 Ferguson Rd.
    Springwood NSW 2777
    Tel.: 4751 1888
  • Vella, David
    North Shore Veterinary Clinic
    Tel.: (02) 9436 4884
    email: [email protected]
Hope to have helped you out

Thanks Chris for the tips.
She's still in the same position and hasn't moved an inch since!
Crazy animal! :D

Thanks Cleo for the contatc details.
I hope I won't need a vet anytime soon but it's good to know a few phone numbers.

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