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ok rightio lets start off by saying you clearly have no i dea whats going on
Tony a good mate of mine captures and relocates snakes as his job. He also does reptile awareness shows for functions events and parties. He does for the love of the animals. Back 15 odd years ago when he moved here he became known as the snakeman around his area and he never intended in being a snakecatcher and ran a fishing charter buisness. after being called to a neighbors house to catch a snake. he now thought " oh wow i could really teach a few people with this and he thought why not start a buisness catching snakes and giving the coast a greater awareness of reptiles and so it started. for the last 15 years or so thats what he has been doing. He works tirelessly and he gets put through hell and back by people like you who think he isnt good enough or is doing the wrong thing. where you say "Presumeably he is paid to capture and remove snakes, quite well judging by the vehicle, how it's kitted up and by the camera gear he is using." thats because he works BLOODY hard to get it, he uses the money he earns and puts it back in his buisness to keep it going and does it for the love of the animals. he loves his photography and uses the great opportunity he has to his advantage.

I simply cannot understand why so many senior members here support these actions

You are telling all the younger members that it is a great idea to pose; harass; and stage manage nature photos; regardless of the unknown consequences for the animal being photographed; and regardless of the very real danger of encouraging a ven to behave like that

tony and others like him should be the only people out there photographing these animals, he does it cause he is experinced and knows what he is doing.
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Just relax for a moment and pretend that it was Bear Grills that posted the link on Utube

Every single one of you would condemn his actions; and rightly so

Its ok to stick up for a mate
But just for once pretend that you did not know the photographer
What would your reaction be then???

I completely understand that shows like Attenboroughs have to be stage managed
But even in the staging he kept everything as natural as possible
Crikey was the greatest ambassador for wildlife in Aus history and was a terrific showman
But his legacy left us with the spin offs who believe that showing an animal up in its worst possible light is the only option available to draw audiences
Armand and Micheala Denis, as a simple example of nature lovers who made many great docos, would cry to watch that video; and neither of them particularly liked reptiles

Maybe my ideals are too old fashioned
Maybe my belief in taking nothing but photos and leaving only footprints is also too old fashioned

Maybe I will never change those ideals
longqi said:
Its ok to stick up for a mate
But just for once pretend that you did not know the photographer

Standing up for a friend is one thing. Standing up for someone that actually does something good for the animals, is experienced and IS respected in the profession is another. I hope he keeps saving snakes from moronic home owners. If that means annoying the snake for five minutes for a photo shoot, who on earth cares? The snake won't remember it in 10 minutes time, and if you believe they have human emotions- perhaps it'll teach them to stay away from people? :p
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If it was anyone else who posted the video would you support the way that video was taken??
Would you be able to find any educational benefit in that video??
[apart from "This is what a Brown Snake very very seldom does unless provoked pretty hard"]

Believe me I hope he continues his great relocation work to
But I also think this video was a huge mistake to place in a public arena like Utube where any kid can watch it and think that this is the way all brown snakes act all the time; and that this is how to treat any snake they see

If it was the late great JC himself who posted it I would have exactly the same reaction

I saw the pictures you posted of the EWD, that dragon was being held in a manner that did not allow it any escape. As I stated earlier, lizards don't just close their eyes because they enjoy being patted and if you kept dragons you would know that. My bearded dragons will close the eye facing me when they are feeling threatened, kind of like a little kid covering their face so you cant see them. If that EWD truly was choosing to interact with you it should have been allowed to just sit on your hand or arm with no restraint but as the owner of a very skittish adult EWD who I have owned for 4 years and still doesn't want to be held, I find it very hard to believe a wild one would seek you out for attention. It may be coaxed into taking food, my girl totally forgets herself sometimes when food is involved, but not into sitting comfortably on you and allowing photos and patting.
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This has turned into a rather amusing thread. I'm sure it'll be remembered long after the Snake has forgotten its torment

Haha how true! Anyone would thing the thing will be traumatized for the rest of its life they way people carry on about it :lol: Maybe we could get a snake psychologist to take a better look at the poor thing. It's probably rocking back and forth in a dark chook-shed somewhere.

My point is, who cares if the bloke rolls off a few reels of film on a snake he's actually saved from death. Small price to pay. Especially considering the cameraman is the one in danger - not the snake.

Yawn, yawn, yawn - go hug a tree for Petes sake :lol:
I finally got to watch it last night when I got home (from the carry on I pretty much knew what was going on anyway). I'm more impressed with his footwork and his ability to stay calm. I would have fallen over about 47 times running backwards across rough terrain like that. I lol'ed at "I need to get in better shape" too
Careful might be next because of the way you tease those poor geckos :lol: Spraying them in the eyes with water for god sakes :lol: :lol: :D

Tease poor geckos.... gecko shots come out better when you don't disturb them.... they don't pose so nice when you move em. ;P For the record I also don't spray geckos in the eyes with water, whatever gave you that idea?
Oh :( ...there goes that stealthy attack :lol: I was just trying to keep in the spirit of the thread and launch an assault on you :lol: :D I failed.
I sometimes spray water on my gecks eyes so hell lick them...
I know. Im a monster :(
I should be reported to the authorities :O
The trouble is, too many people seem to think that a reptile put under this type of stress is going to be mentally scarred for the rest of its life. It's not. This brown snake will get over this 'terrifying' ordeal so fast that it's actually quite laughable, as far as I'm concerned.
The trouble is, too many people seem to think that a reptile put under this type of stress is going to be mentally scarred for the rest of its life. It's not. This brown snake will get over this 'terrifying' ordeal so fast that it's actually quite laughable, as far as I'm concerned.
Exactly. Its like if someone startles you, your scared for a moment and then you forget about it.
i understand your disapointment
whats going to happen to lizzy updates?? what if we have to name her baby?? what if we even have to work out what sex lizzy is so we know if she can have a baby or not???
god im so lost right now,im going to have to wear a little frilly dress and self mutilate with sharp impliments to cope

oh and back on topic

wrapping up i say most of us agree that tony is a perfectly capable snake handler/relocator/photographer and we love watching him photograph an Eastern Brown snake in its defensive mode,and aapreciate what there behaviour isreally like as 99.9 % of you people will not encounter this behaviuor as you dont go anywhere near brown snakes,and if your curious you can watch tonys vid,no need to repeat what he does to you young impresionable ones,and also no need to harass those who have the balls to do what you wont,quite simple really, and damn what a fine species is the Eastern Brown snake,i never tire of my nervous but Beautiful friend
The trouble is, too many people seem to think that a reptile put under this type of stress is going to be mentally scarred for the rest of its life. It's not. This brown snake will get over this 'terrifying' ordeal so fast that it's actually quite laughable, as far as I'm concerned.

Nobody seems to understand that this was never about stressing out the snake
It was about deliberately provoking a wild animal into reacting in such a way as to make it appear much more dangerous than they really are
There is zero educational use for this video

As I said earlier if it was Bear Grills or anyone else doing this you would be screaming your heads off
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