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That is some courage on him and very stressful to the poor snake. Traumatised much? Far out that brown will surely tag any two legged bugger that roams freely near him. but kudos for awesome footage!
I don't know him and I thought both the video and the shots are awesome, great work

he didn't hurt it, like others have said it could have ended up on a shovel.
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'harassing and terrorising the snakes in order to provoke them to attack him in defense in order to get some video and photos to post online'
You honestly think that's what he's doing? He's not provoking it, he's following it and trying to get photos.

And relocation it is his job -- if he didn't relocate this snake, then the homeowner would just kill it...

he poked it with his foot, provoking and harassing is exactly what he's doing. You really think photos of snakes looking aggressive saves them from ignorant people?
Yes he's relocating snakes, and yes thats a good thing but ******* it off just to get a good photo seems extremely counteractive to me and videos such as this just helps to fuel the irrational fear held by a lot of people in this country. I'm hardly going to harbour a hatred towards Tony, but I do have to question exactly what has been achieved by such a video

oh and I dont really care what Ian said or if you agree with him but bullying him is nothing to be proud of. I think its pretty disgraceful actually that some of you can take such pleasure in bullying another member of the forum, not much different to being in high school really is it? except that some of you are late 20's and older.
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