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you know Im sure the owner would make alot more money if he breed pure womas!!!

But that would be woma X would ya get a woma to breed with a bredli?!!
I don't agree with that necessarily but it's a pretty snake.
Dunno about anyone else… But I’m going to have trouble sleeping now.

I know close to nothing about biology and genetics etc. and I’m not gonna even pretend I have a clue but I just have no idea how that would work. I have so many questions too. Would it have heat pits? OK I do have too many questions so I will stop typing before I end up with a massive novel type post… My Womas and Carpets are basically polar opposites apart in so many ways. I have no idea how this could work and like I said, I have far too many questions. So I’ll stop there before my brain explodes.

Anyways, it looks to me as if they got the pattern, colour and scales of a Woma and the body and eyes of a Carpet Python (Irian Jaya in this case). I am totally freaked out right now… And as a result it’s only going to get worse as I just found out there is a whole “Hybrids/Intergrades” section in the forum (never noticed it before).
It's been done quite a few times before. They don't have heat pits but aren't confused as I have heard people say in the past LOL. They just eat rats like either parents would and they like the heat just as both parents would.
It's been done quite a few times before. They don't have heat pits but aren't confused as I have heard people say in the past LOL.

May i ask how you know they arnt "confused" or whatever?
I don't like that idea hey, it just doesn't seem right. It's Frankenpython :shock:
im with you buddy! ive seen some freaks in my time, but this is just messed up! i almost want it to be put down, if it had a mirror in its enclosure it would be suffering.

Ohh Ohhhhhh… That’s a bit harsh d00d! Poor little things :oops: Not their fault how they look.

In a way though I am glad not too many people here in Australia get into hybrids and intergrades with our native species. In my humble opinion it is 100% cool for it to happen in the US and Europe though as alot of their species are imported anyway. That said though I would hope that it was done in the best interests of the animals and undertaken by those with some knowledge about what it is exactly they are doing.
Just a little info on Kara and Kevin at NERD...They are the foremost unethical breeders here...They have been at the forefront of basically ALL morphs here in the States..They use venomids at shows and let children play w/ them.

The Purists (ppl like me ) believe snakes should be as they are..this is a HUGE debate here...Purists and morph lovers...HUGE!

Many ppl I know who have many decades in Herpetology are trying to stop this disgrace to herps.

So please dont think its ALL of us..We are very passionate about stopping this..but money talks

Check out Gardin owns the site and has decades of experience..(he was the 1st to speak up about them when nobody would) and theres a thread all about NERD..check it out :)
Unfortunately there are a few individuals here in Australia that also aim to create these sorts of freaks. For the sake of scientific understanding fair enough and perhaps it could be justified, for any other purpose seems selfish to me and is certainly viewed by the majority of the population as a disgusting practice.
Some of Bretts opinions of

"Kara, Kevin, if you want to sue me for this, my contact information is on the main page.

There are many reasons why these people are pond scum and have done irreparable damage to herpetoculture for everyone. They have mocked and spread poor ethics like wildfire on virtually every level of the hobby...everything from inbreeding, spreading disease, dealing in venomoids, child name it, it's probably happened at NERD at some point unless it's positive. We have all seen the photos of the showboating outdoor event where they were letting kids play with cobras and gabboon vipers. We have all seen the head bobbling spider balls that they claim is just a really cool personality trait...when in reality it's neurological disease. Where does it end? Apparently it doesn't." Brett Gardin
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