I am the proud owner of a gorgeous 3 yr old coastal. He/she is a great snake, eats super well but really shy's away from being handled. Loves to come out of her enclosure but prefers to do her own thing and not be held. I really want to hold her and when I do she nevers stays still. It's like she has ADD. She is always on the go when you hold her. Is this normal. Will she ever settle and just lay on me like my spotty? I don't know if it's normal as this is my first time owning snakes. Suggestions would be great.
I am the proud owner of a gorgeous 3 yr old coastal. He/she is a great snake, eats super well but really shy's away from being handled. Loves to come out of her enclosure but prefers to do her own thing and not be held. I really want to hold her and when I do she nevers stays still. It's like she has ADD. She is always on the go when you hold her. Is this normal. Will she ever settle and just lay on me like my spotty? I don't know if it's normal as this is my first time owning snakes. Suggestions would be great.