Coastal Carpet Python

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Aug 18, 2012
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I am the proud owner of a gorgeous 3 yr old coastal. He/she is a great snake, eats super well but really shy's away from being handled. Loves to come out of her enclosure but prefers to do her own thing and not be held. I really want to hold her and when I do she nevers stays still. It's like she has ADD. She is always on the go when you hold her. Is this normal. Will she ever settle and just lay on me like my spotty? I don't know if it's normal as this is my first time owning snakes. Suggestions would be great.
My juvi coastal won't stop either and he is awesome for me and the young kids to hold just persist with it I wreckon
Nah, I just got a carpet as well (Jungle, though) and mate they won't stop moving unlike antaresias! but I think it is great to have a really active snake, more interesting even though I love how calm my spotted is. They will settle down a bit with age but not to much...i think!
Most carpet pythons behave this way, they're constantly on the go, it's just the curious nature of this type of snake. I was surprised the first time I held a black headed python as they just sit on you and only move their head around. Different snakes behave differently when being handled and most carpet pythons will do this, so it's not something that your snake will outgrow, it's just the way they are.
I use to think there was something wrong with my Anteresia's because they'd curl around my ponytail, or around my neck under my shirt, and would perch there for as long as let them. But there is nothing wrong with your carpet python. They will learn to tolerate handling but will never be tame like a dog. Moving around is just their thing. Put him on the grass on a warm sunny day. Mine like to just sit in one spot like they are soaking up the warmth. One in particular I had, would sit with her head up, two foot of the ground and will not move for quite a time. She was great for photos
Thanks for that everyone. Makes me feel a little more at ease knowing its just their nature.
My coastal, once settled, will perch for ages around the shoulders or top of head... Just keep at it while it's moving around, maintain and dont give up after ten minutes of moving... A good 45 min to an hour snuggle a day should have it changing its' ways...
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