Coastal Hatchie Poo Problem

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New Member
Apr 8, 2008
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Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Hi. My female coastal carpet is great. doesn't bite, feeds well but recently whenever i get her out she poo's on my bed, my friends, my lounge, everywhere but in her enclosure. Can anyone help?
Put her out on the grass until she poos.. then you can handle her without worrying, and you will hardly ever have to clean the enclosure.. bonus.
She doesn't ever do it around me. Just when others are handling her or taken her out of the enclosure.
So it's nothing to do with the substrate or whether she only poos on soft materials?
I thought if i put some material in her enclosure she might poo on it?
when we first got our Coastal hatchie, he would poo and wee a lot when we got him out. Got on our bed more times then i can remember and it seemed to be when he got a fright or felt a bit uncomfortable. He grew out of that though, and now its easy to tell when he needs to go so we leave him alone until he has done his business.
my snakes weird she only poos when no ones looking at her but she has pooed on my mum
My question to you is not trying to be offencive to anyone:
would you like to sleep in your room if you had to wee and poo in the corner?

My snakes use to do it too, my female got it in my mum's, hand bag once. hehehe
I think that when they get out of their enclosure and move around a bit, the movement stimulates the faeces(poo) down to the cloaca(bum) and then they need to go and because they don't realise where they are they just go.

I now have that female toilet trained, whenever i take her outside she goes to the loo, she very rarely poo's in her cage, she is happy to sit in there and only tries to get out when she is hungry or needs the loo. But seriously can you imagine sleeping in the bathroom next to the toilet, no a very nice smell. You also might not notice they have pooed either and you might not remaove it till you get home.

I think it would be like being locked in the bathroom and the waters been cut off so you cant flush until someone gets home.

Hope that helps

My girl only poos in her house, on the floor space. And usually holds on and does a giant 1 and 2's together a week or so after each feed. And she's funny cos I don't think she realises where she's sitting when she goes but after has realised she did it in her favorite sitting spot, so has to climb off that spot and sit in a branch till I clean.

And I swear she knows when I'm running late for work, cos it's always early in the morning of those days that she makes a huge mess. Like she's done it to make me not go to work!
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