coastal not eating please help

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
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hey my 7 month old coastal wont eat normally he eats straight away his last feed was on 19.7.08 im trying to feed him pinky rats but doesnt want a bar of it his temps are 32.c hot end its weird he normally eats first time but dunno any ideas??
could be a number of reasons but i certainly wouldnt be worried at the moment.
sorry his last feed was the 15th and then he shed on the 21st
Double check temps, real early in the morning, round stupid o'clock... other then that, I dunno. If he's usually a good eater I'd suggest that he'll return to eating like a champ when he gets hungry enough.
depends on where u are in winter snakes normally dont eat due to it being cold, another thing could be that if u not long got him, he could be stressed from the move, could be many things why he is not eating, but give him a few days alone dont go near check water make sure its ok and give him a break from trying to feed him cause u trying to get him to eat could stress him out also so maybe try a week to two weeks without feeding him. But dont panic as they tend to not wanna eat sometime through out there life :D Good luck
As has been suggested, non feeding can be a result of many things. Temperatures, stress, illness or some just stop feeding and start again later. 2 or 3 weeks isn't a long time to go without feeding. So long as the temps are appropriate and your snake is healthy there is no reason for concern just yet. My advice would be to monitor the night time temperatures and leave him alone for a week or two.
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