Coastal Python not eating

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Not so new Member
Apr 4, 2013
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I have a coastal python that i bought 3 weeks ago , first week he was in his plastic container that i got with him and he ate his rat but since then have moved im into a small enclosure he has been in this 2 weeks now but he is not eating , im not sure why he had no heating in his plastic drum but now i have a 7w heat mat under the enclosure he spends all day under his hide on the heat pad and is out all night. He has gone up to hoppers in size of rats im heating them for him well defrosting in hot water but he nt even interested in eating it he slithers around it smells it even lays on top of it but not eating it . Not sure if he is shedding or stress from moving enclosures ? any sort of help would be good.
How big is the python? How big is the enclosure? What is in the enclosure as in hides, branches etc? What are the temps?
Have you thought about putting a light and basking spot?

Its not unusual to go without a feed or two when upsizing enclosures just make sure there are plenty of places for it to hide and feel safe.
he is neally a metre long and is 12 months old , enclosure is one of those glass reptile ones it is about 46 x 35 x 30 he has some driftwood in there and a hide where he sleeps all day it is down the warm end he gets natural sunlight as he is under a window where a fai bit of sun comes in . he doesnt have a hide down the cool end just the driftwood where he lays on top . not sure what temps are as i havent got a therometre yet not sure what ones are the best to buy . digital/ probe . this is all new to me never have had a snake before and never thought i would. he is very active when we get him out loves to be handled .
he is neally a metre long and is 12 months old , enclosure is one of those glass reptile ones it is about 46 x 35 x 30 he has some driftwood in there and a hide where he sleeps all day it is down the warm end he gets natural sunlight as he is under a window where a fai bit of sun comes in . he doesnt have a hide down the cool end just the driftwood where he lays on top . not sure what temps are as i havent got a therometre yet not sure what ones are the best to buy . digital/ probe . this is all new to me never have had a snake before and never thought i would. he is very active when we get him out loves to be handled .
My bet would be that the temperature is not right. Also keeping a glass enclosure in direct sunlight is not that good, the UV rays do not penetrate the glass and therefore are no use and it can heat it up like a sauna and kill your snake quickly.
so what do i need to do to get temperature right ? he has only just been under window since today , so dont think that would be it. he doesnt venture out during the day he is in hiding till about 6pm
Another thing to try is jiggle the rat on tongs and wait for the snake to strike.
He will need a hot spot of about 32 degrees to be able to digest his food , if this is not achieved he will either not eat or possibly regurgitate the food item. You need some kind of thermometer and a thermostat to control your heat source. I use a fairly cheap IR temperature gun to check the temperature and I believe you can buy relatively cheap heat mats with built in thermostats if money is a problem otherwise I would get a good quality thermostat and use your existing mat. I also insulate the walls of glass enclosures with foam fake rock walls to keep the heat in or more so keep the snake away from the cold glass.
Get a digital spot thermometer. Used to be able to get them from bunnings. Test the temps around the enclosure, where he hides, cool end, basking spots.

Try covering the enclosure top and sides and see if he comes out. If hes been in a tub he cant see out of and now in glass it might be feeling vulnerable and exposed and that's why it comes out when its dark.

I have a feeling the temps will be low.
he is an aborioal snake.. likes to sit up in the trees. use a heat lamp instead of the mat. pierce the skull of the food so a lil brain matter oozes out.. that helped me with my fussy eater.. don't get me wrong im currently having probs with a baby spotted and this advice didn't work for me.. hope it does for you
All I can say is that if it is only two weeks then don't worry. Snakes can go for months with out eating for whatever reason. Just keep trying, give him a hot spot of 32-33 degrees and keep trying. He may just be scared of the new environment. Hopefully everything works itself out.
Thank you all , will be doing few things to his enclosure going to put a 50w night heat light in his enclosure hope this will be ok and not heat the hole enclosure as he is only in small enclosure does he need heat lamp as well as heat mat, ive been told they need belly heat . he still sussing out every little crevis in the enclosure after being in there 2 weeks . what are peoples thoughts about giving hima lice mouse or rat ? or should i just stick to frozen ? will be heading to pet shop tomorrow to get thermometre so what sort do i need ?
Dont feed live!
If you're going to get a thermometer just get a digital spot thermometer or one of those indoor/outdoor thermometers with a probe from your local hardware. They do the same job and are half the price without the reptile packaging ;)

Depending on temps you can get away without the heat mat or just leave it on overnight.
I would suggest having a heat light on one side at the top with his branch under it and get rid of the heat mat. I dont use mats for my coastal and he is thriving, wees and poos like clock work. Also maybe he was being fed live? and isnt used to the frozen?
Try braining the mouse. Poke a hole through the head and squeeze some of the juices out. When you offer it, the snake smells it by flicking its tongue and tastes the juices, its usually enough to get a feed response from them. Just be patient and get everything fixed up then hopefully it should feed :)
ok , well i will see how i go then. can i put any sort of branch in his enclosure i dont have alot of room to move with his enclosure is only 46 long x 30 depth and 35cm high i was told not to put him in anyhting to big cause they can fret as he come in a small plastic tub which he has spent is first 12months . so if i use heat mat and light it wont hurt him? or would it be best to use one or the other ? trying to upload a pic of my enclosure but dont seem to be able to find how to upload it
I have always used fresh branches fom our gumtree just break one off and place it from one corner to the next. Thats what i did when my guy was little, he used to love his little branch this was a light on the lounge room wall that used to warm the glass up....he would often sit up against the glass for hrs through the day. I have obviously upsized and changed things now but thats how it was and it worked for me. GORGOO3.jpg
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i bought a digital theromomtre today from bunnings just indoor outdoor one, im yet to check the temperature in his enclosure i would imagine there wouldnt be much difference from cool to warm end as im only using a heat mat 7w , my light will hopefully be in tomorrow it is a heat night lamp (blue ) 50 w hope this will be enough wattage. My fella doesnt come out during the day he sleeps all day under his hide on his heat mat only comes out at night , and sits on his driftwood down cool end , i would think night he would wanna be kept warm as it is getting pretty cool our way in the wide bay.
Well my heat lamp is in , my temp when light is on is sitting around the 29.5 and with it off about 26 during the day. Its feed night tonight so lets hope he heats tonight , any hints on how to defrost the rat for how long and do i dangle it to him he is a very placid snake he doenst strike , dont think he will take it if i do that , i usually have to sit it in there . is it best to wait to feed till we on our way to bed so he is in darkness ?
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