cockies in enclosures

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Port Stephens Nsw
hey guys im having a problem with those small cockies in my python enclosures. Any tips on how to keep them out?
we have peg board backing and glass doors on the front which make for good access for the lil buggers. Im a bit nervous to spray mortein around the enclosures. ive had to change substate from breeders choice cause they have been nesting in it. We now hace marine carpet.
any help appreciated. ;)
i wouldnt spray anything,..

maybe some baits up near the heat lights? (not so tehy get hot though or where the snake could possible lick them)
just grab one of those special mortiens and spray lightly around the outside on the ground make like a mortien barrier like you do with tod
would surface spray be ok on the outside (around the edges)??? providing i take our pythons oudside while spraying???
presonally i even go outside to use deoderant,...if ur happy to use sprays around ur animals i guess the border should work,...
i wouldn't use mortien....use Top of decent....take the reptile outspray a light spray leave for about 20-30min and then take the stuff out of the enclsoure, shake it out side air it a bit and then spray the enclosure (nothing in it) leave for a bit and then re furnish everything!
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