cooling in hot climates?

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Pythons Rule

Very Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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Central QLD
Hi there, living in darwin our winter is like 27degrees but it only the cold for 3 days then its back to 34 deg so how and when do you start cooling in the hotter climates? is it just stop feeding or feed not as much? can someone exsplain it more in english please.

my female layed last year 2 weeks after the 20th September and introduced around june/july.
also can any cape york breeders send me a pm about dates you put your male in with female and do you always or do you ever have the males fight each other.

I had the males battle last year and it worked but this year I only have 1 mature male the same that coupled with the female last year, will they mate with out batteling males seeing she's had him before?

also I am going away for a month in June do you think its safe to leave the male in with her during me being away? she is very aggressive and so is he but she is 2 times his size.

Just go with ambient temps. I think you are selling us short we regularly get into the high teens at night and for a considerable time period. Even in the colder climates snakes can go out and bask on rocks etc and get their body temps easily into the 30's. These temps are good enough IMO to breed nearly all Australian species of python with the only exception diamonds (they are the only species friends of mine have had no success in breeding).

If you want to get them colder just put an ice pack in their enclosures at night.
the temps are close to yours though, its hot tonight yeah I have aircon on and fan.
Yes but we haven't come into the cold part of the dry season yet. The temps are going to drop further. If you are going to use some kind of artificial cooling method use large ice packs like frozen milk bottles, they are alot cheaper than running ur aircon 24/7.
Yeah I agree with waruikazi on this one.
Check out these websites:
We are nowhere near the coldest that Darwin gets... Also if you think about it, yes down south gets alot colder, but most breeders down south use heating at night, and simply adjust the heating during winter so the temps drop to around 15-18degrees. So in a sense, we are lucky because we don't have to use heating to keep our temps up during winter, our "winter" does get cold enough for successful cooling and breeding without needing aircon.
cheers heeps guys, you know out of the last 4 years I've been asking that no one till know could tell me. mind you I only bred last year and got it was a crapy year with the heat. out of 28 layed there was 24 firtile and only 1 in the end hatched. mind you she layed on the hottest day last year hitting 49degrees out side and 47degrees inside lucky I had aircon on. incubation was terrable and I remember (war) helping me out through it. the hatchy is exactly what I was breeding for though so it was still worth it.

cheers guys
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