I agree with you, but seriously? Where in the first OPs post did it say he had no experience? As far as we know he just wanted another persons experience as to when, because he wanted to be sure.... God forbid ppl posting for help! That's what this forum is about, chatting to ppl about similar hobbies and getting information and ideas on how they do things, my my, calm down, I think it's rude you just jumped into saying he had no idea, when u don't know what he knows, for all u know he has a croc who is sick n wanted to know if it was safe to put him onto fuzzies at his age!!! How bout asking questions and finding out some information about the OP and his croc before jumping down his throat. I've not been here long and I dunno if I even wanna stay if this is how u treat ppl who come for advice! If u don't have anything better to do then criticize SHAME ON YOU!
first of all i am not jumping down the op's throat. maybe read my post. i posted from a neutral position. And i was fiar to comment on op's experience as he stated in a previous post he works with crocs, so once again not having a stab, rather repeating facts.
So before it is SHAME ON ME for posting, i think it may be worth noting my comments in regards to everyone else's?? yeh good idea i think.