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Both i believe (may be wrong), very frowned upon in the herp community
If you have a childrens and a spotted and want to breed why not swap one for the other?
half the Antaresia on the market are hybridised. For a long time a lot of people thought there was only one species. lot of people obviously still do.

First a cat thread..Now cross breeding:D

It's a good monday on APS:lol::lol:
Can you breed a Shih Tzu with a Pug? would be the same effect ;) stupid and ugly :D.
Except that breeding two pythons that look as close to eachther as these do would produce an animal that probably won't look any weirder than either of the parents.

Clarky, you can if you want, though a lot of people will stamp their feet and beat their fists. The main issue with breeding hybrids is some people do it and sell the offspring as pure. If you breed hybrids and want to sell them, make damn sure you tell the buyer it's a hybrid!
I agree with earlier message, If you have one of each species then i would swap one so that you have two of the same species. You are game bringing this topic up.... :)
do the pythons a big favor and dont cross them, there are numerous
mates available for either of them, do your home work and find one.
Crossing the two because you can is a waste of either pythons genetics
and a totally unacceptable thing to do.
do the pythons a favour lol
nuthing at all will happen to them except bring new life to the world .

i dont agree with crossing but its up to the individual it wont do any harm to the pythons in no manner and no it is not illegal so do as you pls but as some1 stated make sure you advertise them for what they are.
untill someone can explain to me how this is endangering the individual snakes or there is a death rate with hybrids.. i dont have a problem.. although my opinion would differ if EVERYONE did it and there was no longer any pure breds..

are any of you against it because you feel it would effect your buisness or flow of sales in purebreds? or is truely you just think there ugly... leading people to vommet on screens, advise against and warn its 'illegal'
I am personally not against it, but why bother? Surely pure breds would be better simply as they will most likley sell better - and before anyone jumps down my throat I realise that selling the ofspring is not the only reason for breeding
untill someone can explain to me how this is endangering the individual snakes or there is a death rate with hybrids.. i dont have a problem.. although my opinion would differ if EVERYONE did it and there was no longer any pure breds..

are any of you against it because you feel it would effect your buisness or flow of sales in purebreds? or is truely you just think there ugly... leading people to vommet on screens, advise against and warn its 'illegal'

I think because people try to pass them off as something they arent then the person who buys them thinking they are what they wanted gets screwed over and left with some mongrel that they could then also breed and pass off as a pure when its not and screw even more people over.
do the pythons a big favor and dont cross them, there are numerous
mates available for either of them, do your home work and find one.
Crossing the two because you can is a waste of either pythons genetics
and a totally unacceptable thing to do.
I'm sure the pythons don't mind breeding with a different species..
Crossing them doesn't waste their genetics.. The parents genetics remain perfectly intact no matter what you cross them with.. You won't "waste" either of the pythons genetics.

All that will happen is they will have little hybrid babies (which won't look drastically different to mum and dad, and won't likely have any sort of problems that lower their quality of life). As long as the breeder is responsible with these hybrids, and doesn't sell them as something they're not, there's no biggy
I think because people try to pass them off as something they arent then the person who buys them thinking they are what they wanted gets screwed over and left with some mongrel that they could then also breed and pass off as a pure when its not and screw even more people over.

hmmm... so if it was a perfect world and no body lied.. we would all be fine with it? other than those hwo dislike their asthetics..
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