Not so new Member
I am in the process of building a custom made enclosure for my very much spolit QLD Carpet Python and just require some advice of anyone that would know what I can use for a "rocky" wall/ledge that is SAFE and wont harm the snake.
I have seen pics and stuff from AMERICAN sites that have ledges made of wood and then covered with some sort of foam that is then painted to look like rocky outcrops.
Can I please have ANY ideas on what can be used(that is available in AUSTRALIA). Any other suggestions would be appreciated as well
thanks guys (and gals)
I have seen pics and stuff from AMERICAN sites that have ledges made of wood and then covered with some sort of foam that is then painted to look like rocky outcrops.
Can I please have ANY ideas on what can be used(that is available in AUSTRALIA). Any other suggestions would be appreciated as well
thanks guys (and gals)