Custom Built enclosures + artificial rocks

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Not so new Member
May 22, 2008
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Adelaide, SA
I am in the process of building a custom made enclosure for my very much spolit QLD Carpet Python and just require some advice of anyone that would know what I can use for a "rocky" wall/ledge that is SAFE and wont harm the snake.

I have seen pics and stuff from AMERICAN sites that have ledges made of wood and then covered with some sort of foam that is then painted to look like rocky outcrops.

Can I please have ANY ideas on what can be used(that is available in AUSTRALIA). Any other suggestions would be appreciated as well

thanks guys (and gals)

Try "Universal Rocks" (check out their website).
A bit pricey, but great mock rock; I've used it for pythons and monitors.


Thanks I.V

I was looking at creating the wall/floors myself so I do it the way I need it. Any ideas for what you can use? Mortar mix? or something like that?
ive seen ones made with the white Polystyrene boxs...cut out to different shapes and stuck and layed on to a backboard of wood then painted to look like rocks...ill try and find the site:)
Styro carved to whatever shape you want then I grout mine with a coloured grout then seal, to easy!!
Guys guys for the links and has helped.
Bax155 - is there any particular brand that you use that is non toxic or are they all the same?
Guys guys for the links and has helped.
Bax155 - is there any particular brand that you use that is non toxic or are they all the same?
Not real sure cant remember, but aslong as you seal it with a non-toxic sealer all should be fine!!
Thanks to al lthose have have added their two cents worth! Some great ideas there as well!
Construction has started of the actual cabinet and ideas are falling into place for the interior. Thanks again
Oh, and maybe someone knows - how does the canned foam and the Styro cope with the heat mats and/or heat lamps?? Does either melt if the heat source is too close? Are we looking at a potential fire hazard here??
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