Daily egg pictures?

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Central Coast
Is there a resource anywhere that shows pictures of how eggs should look each day throughout incubation?

It would be very helpful for someone like myself breeding for the first time, just so I know what to expect and know if something is going wrong.

From day to day they look very much the same but here is a stimmie egg candled at 46 days
Cheers mate.

I've got my first maccie eggs, nearing 2 weeks old now. I checked them today and they seemed to have expanded, some of them have ends protruding slightly. I figured they might be too dry?

I hate to bump less than an hour after my post, but could someone please tell me if I was right thinking they eggs were too dry?

Cheers, Adam
If they have expanded and have something protruding, then their not too dry. If they are too dry they will dimple and collapse. Can you get a picture of them?
this was my first time, cape york eggs layed 28, 6 slugs.

I had heeps of problems from too much moisture and eggs exspanding and going soft on the bottom, fruit flie laying eggs and killing perfectly healthy eggs, mould killing eggs etc. I had 1 out of 22 good ones hatch. and that one egg looked like a golf ball with little dimples.

if your's still look white ish and healthy looking and sweat at the end and start to cave in you've done a fantastic job.

good luck
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Just remember to keep them the same way up as laid and they usualy hatch just after you have convinced your self that it is taking too long . My last went 60 days .
Ok here are some pictures. How do they look?



(sorry, I only have a camera phone)

see maybe I would have better success if I stayed with the vermiculite instead of changing it to purlite and water.
one of your eggs is resting on the side of the container move it away so condensation doesn't drip onto it.
Just a note, in the last photo it is not my finger poking out, that is the point of the egg protruding. Can anyone tell me what that means?
I was going to say to much moisture as mine exspanded on the bottoms but not like yours. have you candled them yet to see if anything is moving and red veins? you'll be supriced I saw lil wiggly worn=m things in mine pretty much straight away after a week or 2 incubation.get a small touch like the other pic shown
Yeah they've been candled a few days ago, they all had veins happily growing. I guess I'll just stop worrying for now, I just don't want to do anything wrong!

I understand and know exactly what you are going through last year was horrable for me stress gallor and everything that could go wrong went absolutly wrong. hope some more exsperianced people get on here and give you the advise you need. I was told eggs are ment to hatch. and stress just comes with the world of breeding.
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