Darwin carpet weight & feeding

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Nov 2, 2011
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Just weighed my 2 1/2 yr old darwin & was surprised by the result. I thought I was feeding him adequately - his bulge usually lasts about 2 days.

Anyway he weighs 2.3kg & I'm feeding him 1 rat about 160g (I weighed a single representative rat from my freezer) every 2 weeks. So it seems like I'm underfeeding him & I'll start feeding him 2 rats a fortnight.

But I'm just curious - how much should I expect a 2 1/2 yr old 2m darwin carpet would weigh?

2.5 years would imply he was hatched in June 2011, unlikely for Southern Hemisphere. Is this correct or is he younger or older?
Yeh fair enough. There isn't anything wrong with that size IMO. My 12 month old Darwin's are around the 500 gram mark. I have not over or underfed them and both are very healthy. There is nothing wrong with the feeding regiment described. If you're worried about under feeding maybe 1 rat this size every ten days? There is no fine art to it and each person has different opinions re feeding. As long as the snake is healthy ie firm and solid with no loose or sagging skin all is fine.
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