Darwin on the Loose!

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2003
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Up the Ral Ral Creek. S.A.
Actually, don't really need any help, but have followed all the advice from this great forum. Just wanted to let you know what we've done. Flour across all the doorways(just tell visitors that it is to stop Evil Spirits, LOL!) Put a cage of breeder rats and Velvets in the loungeroom, heat mat with a nice hide box on top of it. Enclosure door was a tad hard to move earlier this week(should rub some soap along the tracks as that is supposed to work a treat), and looks like the door got left open a miniscule amount and one of our new Darwin girls has vamoosed! She's not very big really(this is because when Pete Bredl was ill with Cancer, some of the snakes didn't get fed that well, as he was soo crook). Less than a metre long. Not panicking as it's turned really cold here in the Riverland, so I'm sure she's curled up somewhere? Turned the house upside down including all the loungeroom furniture. Looked in the back of fridge and freezer, computer etc. So many things she could get into in this little old house, hey? I'm sure she will turn up eventually looking for a feed? A snappy little girl who is very defensive whenever you put your hand in the enclosure. Ok, I hope she will eventually turn up. No snakey trails through the flour over the last two nights though. Cheers Cheryl
window sills for basking, fridge motor for a warm place to hide , check your roof it will probably be up in your roof good luck and in your clothes is another place take each item out and check it. hahha lots of work. i would come down and help you look but it would be finders keepres lol
Checked curtain rods, any piles of clothes, window sills, etc etc. Lots of little nooks and crannies in this old house worse luck, but hopefully she will turn up eventually. I was actually thinking the other day that we've had Pythons for 3 yrs now, and not one gone missing?? Oh well, sh.. happens eh? Cheers Cheryl
I actually cannot even have a fire with this cold weather now, as she might have got into all the spaces in the slow combustion heater?? Don't see how she could have got up into the roof, unless she has got into a wall space and got up through there somehow. Just hoping she hasn't got under the front door and got outside? Am telling the neighbours what she looks like so they don't think she is a venomous snake. Cheryl
Its amazing some off the smallest hiding places they can get,i recently had a escaped Port Mac around 1meter that got out,searched everywhere,no luck.The next morning went to shop and came home,found it on top of the bedroom door.They usually dont go far from their enclosure.Good luck...
Ahaaa! Just found the little bugga! She was trying to crawl up behind a big picture frame. She must have been behind the cupboard(forgot to move that one), behind where M.I.L. was sitting when she came for tea last night. LOL! She would have freaked if it had climbed up the wall near her!
Tried to bite as usual, so got the hook and now back in enclosure, phew!! Glad she didn't get outside. A good end to the story eh? Cheers Cheryl
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