Dauan Island Finds

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Okay so I'm not the best with my I.D's so please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm 90% sure that what you've found is a Bellatorias frerei, more commonly known as the Major Skink. They're found along the east coast of Australia from around North NSW up to Cape York and across some islands in the Torres Strait and Papua New Guinea. I'm making this assumption after researching reptiles across the Torres Strait Islands and then using the process of elimination to bring it down to Major skink.
There's a chance that it could be a Land Mullet (Bellatorias major) but I didn't think so due to the white chin and mottled colouration as opposed to the solid brownish black colouration common among Land Mullet's. To be honest, at a first glance I thought it was a Cunningham's skink (Egernia cunninghami) but you don't get them that far north as I far as I know lol.
And this is just spit-balling but I'm assuming that the frog species you've found is a White-lipped tree frog (Litoria infrafrenata). The reasoning is pretty self-explanatory lol.
However as I said I'm not the best at this so I could be completely wrong so if anyone else could pitch in that'd be great!!
Anywaysss, it's a gorgeous lizard who by the looks of it has regrown a large portion of their tail so that's pretty cool! You're so lucky to gone up to to such a beautiful area and seen these little critters.
Okay I've said my piece, I need to stop yapping, (Sorry for the rant lol).
I hope I've been of some assistance and that ya'll have a great week!

I'll @ a couple of people from the forum who've given me a hand with I.D's before and are pretty good with this stuff. (If ya'll aren't okay with me @ing you my apologies, I thought the opinion of someone more experienced with this sort of stuff would be better then just mine.) @Herpetology @Bluetongue1 @dragonlover1
sorry can't help you there, I know little to nothing about skinks. My son has several Tiliqua species but only mainland. I'm more into dragons and a few monitors, plus I have a couple of Antaresia. The only land mullets I have seen are entirely black/dark brown. Def not cunninghams, the tail is too smooth
I'm not an Egernia expert (so much so that I still call the whole group Egernia), but I think the call of Major Skink is correct. Definitely not a Cunningham's or a Land Mullet.

Definitely correct on the frog, Litoria infrafrenata.

The remaining picture is of appropriate feed for either of the other critters photographed.

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