DECC transactions via internet please?

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Active Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Sydney NSW
Why don't DECC have the option of electronic internet based transactions instead of the paper system we currently have?
You can do most things online why not licence renewal, checking current recorded (personal only) species holdings, sale, aquisition, disposal, import and export permit applications?

It would streamline the process and could all easily be done online. With the added benefit of records being current and being able to put safe checks in place such as showing a potential buyers licence status and name.

If a signature is required then a summary holding page or acknowledgement could be printed, signed and then sent to DECC as required.

Just putting it out there.

Great idea, but it would cost a fair bit to implement such a system. I don't know whether you heard or not, but the government is broke!
Octane :D I like your opinions mate and think this is a great call as well. I actually tried to private message the DEC member on here but they dont accept private messages. I did however post it on their visitor messages but have not received any response back.

I really think that these sorts of ideas and submissions should be brought to the DECC and hopefully there could be a result that will make everyone happy. How do we do this?

maybe its time that reptile keepers and the DECC start working together more closely for the benefit of our reptiles and the hobby.

DECC doesnt care less about business onley about looking like they preserve wildlife,if they was to encounter a wild animal theyd probably kill it or call wires to take it away,having a streamlined system may encourage the keeping of reptiles and other native animals,theyve always been against keeping and keepers.
DECC doesnt care less about business onley about looking like they preserve wildlife,if they was to encounter a wild animal theyd probably kill it or call wires to take it away,having a streamlined system may encourage the keeping of reptiles and other native animals,theyve always been against keeping and keepers.

I hear what your saying zulu :D maybe I just got a little too carried away there for a second :lol:
DECC doesnt care less about business onley about looking like they preserve wildlife,if they was to encounter a wild animal theyd probably kill it or call wires to take it away,having a streamlined system may encourage the keeping of reptiles and other native animals,theyve always been against keeping and keepers.

I dont' know whether I'd go that far. It takes time and a lot of money to implement an online database that we (keepers) can interact with. I think things are actually running better than they have been over at the DEC. Plus there aren't too many people over there from what I can figure out.

The one thing that really lets them down for me is they never really ask for feedback to do with anything. It's only a select few that are allowed to have an opinion and influence decisions.

Why do you guys think DECC doesnt take private messages,they dont want to communicate with you,its just a little peek a boo hole where different DECCs peer out into APS land,should of left a carrot with the message colin,but that would be bribery.
Why do you guys think DECC doesnt take private messages,they dont want to communicate with you,its just a little peek a boo hole where different DECCs peer out into APS land,should of left a carrot with the message colin,but that would be bribery.

hehe and I get called cynical.......
Why do you guys think DECC doesnt take private messages,they dont want to communicate with you,its just a little peek a boo hole where different DECCs peer out into APS land,should of left a carrot with the message colin,but that would be bribery.

If you were the DECC would you permit PM's on APS? Can you imagine the messages from time wasters, 12yr olds and general pain in the rear ends on here that would encourage?

They have an email address on their web site (which I've found they always reply to) and if you are desperate, a phone number. :)
Why do you guys think DECC doesnt take private messages,they dont want to communicate with you,its just a little peek a boo hole where different DECCs peer out into APS land,should of left a carrot with the message colin,but that would be bribery.

maybe we should designate one person from a Herp society or from the cage size committee etc that the DECC will talk to and we could make suggestions to our representative to put to the DECC. I can understand your attitude zulu and have been there myself on many occassions but also think maybe its time we at least tried to hold out the olive branch to the DECC and to open up decent lines of communication.

Reason being those animal libbers will be tightening their grip if they can.. its only prudent that we also try and get onside with the DECC or at least make the attempt to. If we do, and are successful with opening up regular dialogues with the DECC it can only be in our interests and the interests of the hobby.. after all these animal libbers will only poison them against us if they can.. its up to us to show the DECC we are responsible people that care for our animals and have their best interests at heart.

maybe it will never happen but I think its at least worth discussing and trying. If we dont open up decent regular dialogue with the DECC now I think we may loose the chance down the track. we may have had a good result over this mandatory cage size thing but Im sure there will be plenty more battles we will be up against so think its in our best interests to get on well with the DECC.
That would work really well in the real world / private sector but in the world of the public sector people with fresh ideas often get bogged and frustrated in the system. Just look at those not in management positions they come up with great ideas and better ways of doing things but only to be disregarded by management. The lines of communication are however it looks there; normally in each herp society there is one person who sits on a committee to discuss issues and problems as they come about. Oddly enough it would most likely be the same people who sat on the min size cage one. Approach these people to get it talked about.

Its up to the herp society's to say hey we believe this is an solution that could help you deal the outdated and heavy workload demands of the current system to meet the public's expectations in dealing with DECC; at one of their regular meetings and get the DECC representative to go and investigate introducing an electronic system to see if its viable and more cost efficient. If anything is going to get done in will be through these committees.
Has been discussed directly with relevent personnel of DECCS at a AHS meeting last year. Main hurdle it would appear is the need to have consistency of process across all licence types. They are open to the idea but not all people use online processes so it would need paper back up. What I also learnt was that herpos are generally very net swavy but others such as the birdos are not...might be age thing, so they are not so keen
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