Thanks Sanosuke

I have gotten as far as adding a new species but when I try to "Add Details" and put in when I recieved the animal (28/03/12) it just says - 'Date of receipt or disposal' is not allowed to be before 01/Apr/2012'
Have i missed a step/done something incorrectly??
nope that doesn't sound incorrect
maybe this will help lol sorry i posted wrong link
For persons who were licensed before April 2011 and who have not already electronically lodged records with the Department, this will mean establishing an
opening account of species and individuals you held on 1 April 2011 - the first date of the current reporting period. Wildlife Licensing and Management Unit retains all your old Fauna Record Book information and does not require you to re-enter all the details of previous reporting periods.
How do I start to add records/transactions about my species?
When you first register, you need to enter your species in the
'My Species and Records' screen using the
add new species button. Then you will drill down into the species record by clicking in the
view and edit button (looks like a piece of paper with a dog ear). The name of your species will appear at the top of the screen. Scroll down to the
records table and click on
add new record. This will open the
'Add Record' screen where you enter your individual yearly transactions.
As stated, persons who have been licensees prior to April 2011 and have not previously lodged their records electronically, will need to start their animal keeper account with an
opening balance. This is the carryover you had from the previous 2010-2011 fauna record book year that ended on 31 March 2011. The values '1/4/2011' and 'opening balance' will automatically appear in the date of receipt or disposal and method of receipt or disposal fields. Apart from the number of individuals you held on that day, no other information for these animals will be required. This is because we already have this information in your previously supplied (paper) fauna record book. Press
Save to end the transaction.
If, you were given another animal in May 2011, click on 'add new transaction' button again and then enter the full details of how you acquired that animal and then press save again. In this way, you are building up a record of all your transactions during the 2011-2012 reporting period.
Those persons who were granted a licence after 1 April 2011 can simply enter the exact dates you acquired and disposed of your individual animals.
Your summary table will give you an ongoing tally of the number of animals of that species you have in your possession.
Do I use the book all the time or just at the end of the reporting period?
It is a condition of your licence to keep a true and accurate record of your holdings. Regularly maintaining your books will also allow you to better manage your hobby.