Also be aware that this system is not just for reptiles, any pet can benefit from this system. Anything you own can benefit from the system.
You can have a code on your key ring so that if you ever lose them and they are found they can either scan the code with their phone, or go to and enter the serial number. With the "Keys" Category selected for the nominated QR Code, the person who finds your keys can fill in their Name, a message to you and their email address (you can even add additional security by having the person verify their email to contact you. This stops misuse of the system). Once you had to have your phone number on your keys, but how many people actually do this? This way you can have a safe and secure way to allow someone to contact you if you lose your keys.
Another feature that I have employed under my own account is assigning a code to the FBT Category. FBT - Fringe Benefits Tax, I have a QR Code stuck to the dash of my car and whenever I am about to take a business related trip, I just scan the code, input my start kilometers and when I arrive I can scan it again to enter my finishing kilometers. I have always intended to keep a log book, but since I always have my phone with me, this is frankly a lot easier. I can then at tax time log into my account on the computer and export the data to Excel where it is neatly laid out.
Another way the system can be used is when you loan someone something from your shed for instance, you can scan the code and record in the log who borrowed it.
There are about 65 categories to choose from with more added in future updates. I haven't looked at all the categories as yet, but this is a very thorough and fleshed out system that will help you organise not just your reptiles, but your home aswell.