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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
between Newy and Maitland
hey peeps,
im 46 and just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.just wanting to know about others who have got it? how they dealt with finding out?

knowing wot i can/cannot have,how much? is a pain. went out to the shopping centre this morning and went.....wot can i have to eat??? frig knows we both said..lol

so i had a scone with butter


It's a fun game of counting carbs and watching glucose levels :lol:

So the two MAIN things you'll be monitoring are: Carbohydrates (which are found in foods such as starchy vegetables, grains, rice, breads, and cereals) and glucose (fruit, dairy and all the stuff that tastes really good.) Of course you'll be watching all the other fun stuff that makes food tasty: fats, sugars, salt and fibre. Everyone's different, but I'd definitely recommend a trip to a dietician every few months for the first few years. If you find yourself really struggling though, there are medicinal options.

(btw, if you don't like the idea of counting carbs, there's a system called the Exchange List.)
ive got Type 1 insulin dependent had it for nearly 3 years expect a big change in ya life and the way you eat your lucky with alot of hard work and dedication you can get rid of type 2

forgot to add yes be mindfull of what you eat but dont shy away from foods you like its all about moderation i'e if you like choclate dont eat the hole block just eat 2 to 4 pieces
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I've had type 1 for twenty eight years and whilst the treatment is different in some respects, the outcome is the same. The one thing I emphasize the most is constant blood sugar testing. It tends to be a reactionary illness between medication and sugar supply but frequent testing will teach you how to strike a balance.
Hi there, I am whats called a tricky type 2 meaning I swing from hi to lo sugar levels so have to really painstakingly
monitor my levels... I am on insulin. The easiest thing I can tell you is to have as least amount of processed food as
you can.... I have switched to predominantly all natural fresh food and my sugar levels have stayed the most consistantly
low in 7 years. The lower GI the food the longer the sugar takes to break down in your body which is what you are wanting.
the most processed food I have is the odd slice of whole grain bread and homemade yoghurt. The up side is that I am the healthiest
I have been in years. I do have the very odd bit of choccy or bikki. But it is not too often at all..... I feel a low GI food guide
is very helpful. I am finding it very easy to manage now I have changed my food choices
Good luck and pm me if you like
Kind regards
I don't have diabetes, but I work behind a bar and have a few regulars with diabetes who come in for a drink. Most beer is a no-go, or at least something you can't have very often or in great quantities. The best alcoholic drink for a diabetic has to be vodka + soda or vodka+sugar-free tonic with a twist of lime or lemon (low sugar fruits). Vodka has the lowest amount of sugar (can be none if you buy it unflavoured) of any spirit.
I'm 60 have had type 2 for about 5 years, take diabex tabs...nothing else, still eat what I want, though I'm not a drinker or smoker. To be honest I haven't changed my diet really at all.....I'm told I don't take my diabetes seriously, but as far as I'm concerned I'm doing fine and the doctor hasn't said anything much.
thx guys,
i started on metformin tabs 2 days ago,got a meeting at a diabetic aducation centre on tues. its the....between here and then thats got us. with the not knowing wot? how? when? lolol
Only thing I don't like is I can't get a scuba ticket. :cry:

Not that it has stopped me. :)
Just watch the metformin, it can affect differant people in differant ways, if you have problems with it talk to your Doctor as there is other medication around, I'm on actos and diamicron at the moment. I've had type 2 for 10 years now and it is slowly leading to being insulin dependant as my HB1C was over 8 on my last blood test. I have found that when I'm closer to my ideal weight the diabettes is more easily controlled.
Good luck with it.
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I was diagnose with type 1 a week before my birthday! Insulin dependent. Ive changed my diet heaps, kinda, less junk that is. Meat, fish, veggies and water don't have carbs. You can buy carb/sugar free jelly which is what I have for desert sometimes. I also recomend frequent BGL tests, before every meal. My HB1C for my age/weight with type 1 insulon dependent was 9.0 and i was 8.3 or someting Close to that. Just be glad you can rid yourself of it, good luck!
I'm also type 2. I am taking metformin and diamicron mornings only for that 1 though. I wasn't taking that much care of myself before i was 1 pt off intensive care so now I behave. Everyone one here has given you good advice. Good luck, it's not scarry unless you have to take injections. UGH es keep to the low GI that really helps. You'll get to know which foods are off the table as too high in sat fats.
hey pato,yeh have started makin changes already,tho we'll know more after tues wot i can,cant,how much lolol

hey judy,how u doin?? yeh a bit overwhelmed,but getting there,bit of a shock(tongue in cheek) .... how's all those worms going?
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