Diamond Help!!!!!

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OK, minor burns are more common in glass tanks as the glass get really hot. Try to space your click clack off the heat source to reduce the floor temp, soak the snake regularly untill it sheds, it may need a burns cream, if it gets worse, get it to a vet.
One thing to remember is that a snake cant feel heat too well with its belly. This is why many snakes suffer burns from coiling around light globes. They can't feel themselves getting burnt.

The main problem is that it is hard to tell the difference between dried skin, burns or scale rot. They usually look the same. But the causes are varied. In any case the treatment is the same. I'd get it off the warm suface and give it a warm bath or apply an ointment that will soften the skin. Also, keep it on newspaper.
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No, it is a port mac. I believe port macs are hardier than diamonds. Keep in mind ive never kept

I was answering a question of someone who thought 30C was much too hot for a diamond. And how do you know it's a port mac?
here are some more pics.
it looks like it is moving onto its side.

this pic is when u look at him straight on

this one is when u look at him from the side or from the top.
does anyone else have any ideas of what it is or what I can do about it??
YEP, take it to the vet get a proper check up DIVAN.......dont muck around just do it ,,,you would be devistated if anything happened to your little fella ,take all the details of your set up and temp readings as well ......its hard to tell properly by the pics and as alot seem to think it could be this or that .your best bet is a vet ......good luck hope all turns out ok for you ...
does anyone else have any ideas of what it is or what I can do about it??
as redbellybite said, your best to go to the vet.
just out of curiousity has he been in the water dish alot or is the substrate damp?
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thanx guys I just got back form school and I'l take him soon
That looks like a body blister (which can go hand in hand with scale rot). They usually turn up due to high humidity and dirty conditions (such as sitting on urine stained substrate).
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