Diamond Python Help

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New Member
Aug 13, 2010
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Gday all

I have a diamond python, she is 3-4 years old around 1700mm long and 160mm around her fattest part... About 6 months ago I moved her into a new vivarium which is 1200mm wide by 1600mm tall by 400mm deep(plenty of room to move around) when i first put her in the vivarium she was very anixous and for about 3weeks all she would do is move around the vivarium pushing her nose agaist the air vents trying to escape. She settled down for the next 3 months, But for the last 3weeks she has been getting anxious again she is not interested in food and she is just trying to escape. the vivarium is 28' in the basking area 20' at the bottom, I have the UV light on for 12hrs a day. The vivarium only has 1 hide place which is a icecream container at the bottom.

Any advice on how to settle her down and get her eating again would be much appreciated.


You got any pics of the viv?
Some more hides, or things to climb might help.
yeah they like do hide so u need at least tp provide her a hide place in both cold and hot place into the vivarium.
usually they don't need more high than longer... 100 or 120cm high is usually the maximum needed for the climbers one more is useless.

from what i saw the best for an adult one would be around 150x60x100 (LxlxH)
just add more hides your diamond will feel more secure in that big encloser

mate i had the same porb but then i put more hide structure in the tank and now she is all settled down
Defiantly more hides on floor and branches to clime with hides up top . Give him time to settle in. If he won't eat try annoying him with the mouse by touching him on the body with it. It should piss him off enough that he will strike and hopefully the rest will follow naturally good luck.
Cheers 4 all the replies

The vivarium has hardly any hiding places so sounds like that could be it. She has plenty to climb on and everything else in the vivarium is sweet. Ill throw some more hides in and see how she goes.

Im pretty shore its is a female, its my girlfriends snake. The dude she bought it off said it was. How can you tell?

Here's some pics of the vivarium (sorry about the bad photography)

Thanks again

Vivarium.jpgVivarium 1.jpgVivarium 2.jpgVivarium 3.jpg
May be trying to find a mate if coming out of brumation and given the season.
May be trying to find a mate if coming out of brumation and given the season.

yeah one of pythons all day and night it seems over the past 3 days is awake and searching around or trying to escape

no idea why been fed i thought possibly coming out of brumation but i didnt change feeding or temps just left it the same i do all year round

but yeah maybe its just that time of year but any update on any changes after adding more hides for your diamond?
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