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Not so new Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Hey guys.
I was doing my daily check today and noticed that my male Diamond python had two large ticks around his head. To be honest, I didn't even know they could get them. I removed both of them tonight when my wife got home because I'm on crutches atm and I didn't really want to deal with it on my own. The thing I'm wondering though is, where did they come from. He hasn't been outside because of the crutches and when I cleaned his cage last time there was no sign of them. I sprayed the cage with TOD just to be on the side of caution also. Would the ticks cause a lack of appetite?



Cheers for any info guys.

Regards, Brendan.
Have you placed fresh plants from outside, because the only way I get ticks on me is from being in the bush, and the only other way I could think of is from a host animal if you were feeding freshly killed and they had the ticks on them, long shot though. Just my thoughts.
Always frozen and all fake plants. The logs have been in there for years and always cleaned. The only thing that has changed was the breeders choice kitty litter. I think I might have just found another one so he is coming back out tomorrow. I'm sure he will be impressed again.
Do you have a dog? they look like brown dog tick to me, which actually live longer in the environment that they do on the host animal. And when a female lays her eggs there are up to 4000 eggs at a time.
If you have a dog that comes inside, they scratch, the tick falls off, it then wanders around the house, may have been attracted by the heat from the enclosure? not sure hey. I know how to get rid of them on a dog, but no idea about a snake, I would think the usual insecticides for treating ticks would be harmful for snakes? I know they are for cats. The only safe treatment I know if is apple cider vinegar, I spray it over my dogs coat and put it in his water, helps repel the ticks.
Maybe you need to contact a herp vet and ask them?
My diamond had a tick on her face, i had just put a new log in although I thought it was clean , I have put it down to that ........ But really , it could have gotten it ANYWAY at all , Ive had ticks so whats to say I didnt have one on me and then picked her up and it went to her .. Maybe thats what happened with you ??? But no she never stopped eating ! She'd sit in her water bowl alot thats what got my attention .......But she ate the whole time when she had it , the week after and week before .....

wild caught? would explain the lack of appetite also

Wild Caught ?? = Illegally Caught ????
...they look like brown dog tick to me...
It looks like a paralysis tick to me. You can tell by the fact that it has a pale grey body. I suggest that you pop it in a small container of metho. Wherabouts are you?
My Tassies had been kept outside in pits by the previous owner and had a tick or two on them that needed to come off. It was fun chasing them around on the dining room table using a pair of my missus’s eyebrow tweasers to get them off :lol: that’s when I discovered my male tiger was dog-tame! He loves a tickle under the chin…if he could purr he would :lol: :p
Are you talking about Notechis scutatus Moosenoose? :eek:
I'm located in western Sydney. It's suburbia. None of my dogs have ever had ticks and they don't come inside. I bought him about 10th months ago from someone on this site so he better not be wild caught.
maybe he has a tasmanian diamond snake pair
Or a thought to be extinct Tasmanian Tiger!

It's probably not wild caught then Mr1jz. Can you post a pic of him up please?
I had a couple of diamonds with ticks as I take them outside The ticks were deposited by blue tongues I have several in my yard so now I try to keep the ticks off the blue tongues that way my dog is safe also
Yeah i'll try get one up tonight. I've stripped his cage and everything is being soaked atm.
Only a couple of ticks would not suppress the appetite of any wild caught diamond
The worst I ever saw was 127 ticks on a 6ft diamond and it ate the night after they were removed
That was at Bobs Farm near Nelson Bay
I often had ticks on my diamonds there because they had an indoor outdoor enclosure so they could thermo regulate easily
I dont know scientific names but always thought the hard shelled ticks were the paralysis ones?
It looks like a paralysis tick to me. You can tell by the fact that it has a pale grey body. I suggest that you pop it in a small container of metho. Wherabouts are you?

brown dog ticks vary in colour, black when small, but when they're engorged they can be grey or even a blue/grey, it's actually more common to find large grey ones than brown. (After pulling 156 ticks off my dog in one day and then another 82 off him only 2 days later I've seen plenty!!!! Bad tick area up here!!!)
while brown dog ticks arn't as common in Sydney (as up here anyway) they can still happen, and even if the dogs don't come inside they can still have them and they end up inside.
Can paralysis ticks do any damage to snakes? (as in like they do with cats and dogs?)
its deffinitely not a paralysis will be a bush tick. and no paralysis ticks dont seem to affect reptiles at all.

but yes ticks on snakes can take a long time to engorge, so if you take that snake outside even a few months ago these could have attached then, they wont do any damage but check them over and remove the ones you find and wait for the others to engorge enough for you to see them and remove them as well.
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