do you live in QLD and own a malamute?

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the jungle guy

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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hi there soon im moving back to qld gold coast area and the mrs and i are keen on getting a malamute but we are unsure on how they would go in the hotter climate

how does yours go through summer


and a price you think is fair for a healthy pup either qld or nsw prices if prices vary between states, (reptiles do)
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we have one, she is a terror tho lol. after they molt the winter coat she does fine but hair goes every where. beware of the hair lol, but imo they get bored relly easy and if they dont get some m"FUN" they chew everything and anything they can, lol even bricks and we paid around 600 4 her
hey thanks for that chickensnake i wasnt sure how they went with the heat that was a concern, i could only imagine the mess from there molts they have a really beautiful thick coat ay,

thats good to know with the boredom partner and i get out 5 out of 7 days going for a decent long walk, around hr, do you think this would be enough exercise for a malamute, and of course playing around the back yard, im not that familiar with this breed still researching im a rottweiler man
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I have a mastiff x malamute. Undercoat and shedding is unbelievable!! Buy a brush called a "furinator" straight away - it will be the best $80 investment EVER, I promise. They need training and discipline because of their size when they're older and because they can be stubborn *****s when they want to be, and plenty of mental stimulation particularly when in their adolescent stage. Yes, they are chewers! Although, that can be said of any dog.

I walk mine (mxm and wolfhound) an hour a day plus, and they do fine during the day in a regular size yard. Keep doing your research, but if you've had rotties, then you should be able to handle a malamute.
As long as the animal will have a decent shelter the heat shouldnt be a prob, we have a huge patio thing that the dogs spend most of their time under. That should be plenty of exercise, just make sure you get it use to a lead as a pup, because once they r a few months old they get very smart and like to resist the lead(if they havnt been taught as a pup pup) the last one we had was a "backyard dog" so to speak and never learnt how to walk on a lead or anything and was a good dog but bad on at the same time. One downside is when they get old(usally always) they become very defencive and will attack ppl (once they have started to go a lil blind) when ever they go near them, as they r so closly related to the wolf(we where told that from a very knowledgeable vet) and they have to be put down once they get to this stage otherwise somone may get very badly hurt. Our old one bit several ppl (including me) but not too bad and we ended up having him put down :( because of the risk of him mabey attacking the small children we always have at our hose from up the road
as they r so closly related to the wolf(we where told that from a very knowledgeable vet)/QUOTE]

Sorry, CS, but google this. It isn't true in the slightest and I would be changing vets :D All domestic dog breeds we have today are so far removed from canis lupis or any other wolf species that there is virtually no connection.

Your are right about them being renowned for some aggression issues, but if JG has had rotties, then he should be familiar with this kind of risk, as well.
Having owned several malamutes over the years (that was far northern Canada though), I couldn't believe how many were here in Qld! I don't know how they fare in the heat but I do know they require a lot of space and plenty of interaction. Best dogs ever imo. My favorite was Sarge II, he was a Silver x Wolf. Absolute monster of a dog, fiercely loyal, fantastic temperament. Pity I left him on my Dad's farm for a few month while travelling and he got out and some jack**** shot him thinking he was a wolf.
Ah, well, SW you know what you'd getting into, mate :) However, you'll find no Oz malamutes have any wolf genetics in them, making them a but less "wild" and a bit more predictable.

I don't necessarily agree with wolf hybrids, but would love to meet one anyway ;) Sorry yours had a sad ending :(
as they r so closly related to the wolf(we where told that from a very knowledgeable vet)/QUOTE]

Sorry, CS, but google this. It isn't true in the slightest and I would be changing vets :D All domestic dog breeds we have today are so far removed from canis lupis or any other wolf species that there is virtually no connection.

Your are right about them being renowned for some aggression issues, but if JG has had rotties, then he should be familiar with this kind of risk, as well.

I know that they rnt i think i wrote it too hard to understand lol. I know what i mean but i can think of another way to say it, Umm like they still have the pack leader instinct and need to try and keep it in thier old age. Only way i can explain it without saying via my mouth lol
i have a siberian husky , and even tho im in vic we still get some pretty darn hot days here . my dog duz pretty good through summer outside . i have a half shell [ bath] for her to jump into , as she loves water .
i have a siberian husky , and even tho im in vic we still get some pretty darn hot days here . my dog duz pretty good through summer outside . i have a half shell [ bath] for her to jump into , as she loves water .
Lol mine hates water(mabey because its diff breed?)
Would you consider a Mareema over a Malamute?
I have owned several of both and find that if you get them young and let them bond to you then the purebreed Mareema is the way to go

In saying that, every animal and human is different and you get what you raise.
Hey Jase

I Have a 16 month Little Girl (and by little I mean Huge LoL) We are at Griffin so just North of Brissy. She copes with it fine...though there are days where i feel for her. We just make sure we Strip the undercoat and at the moment we are stripping her every day! The other thing we do is have a massive Green Shell sandpit that we got from bunnings that we fill with water and she stands in it when she is hot. But for those super hot days we get a old Ice Cream container the night before and fill it with water and chop up a pigs ear and put some liver treats in it and freeze it and by the next morning she has a sweet Treat-Block!!! I do feel for her in the heat but i will never get another breed Mals are just AMAZING!!!!

Regards Alex
wow thank you everyone for your array of replies im suprised how many i got :) thank you everyone
the mrs is really set on a malamute im happy either with another rottie or a malamute but gotta keep the boss lady happy :)
They will do fine aslong as you give them alot of exercise (as with most dogs), get a very large plastic tub (one that you can fit into) and put it on its side filled with water..thats what you need if you want to keep this sort of dog.

IMO you should steer clear of the malamutes...we have a husky and the hair gets in between the bricks ,pavers...everywhere, drives me insane and shes only a deffinatly seek a breeder ,take the misses over to spend some time with the dogs and have along chat with the breeder about the breed.
Beware the hair lol, my malamute was hit buy a car earlier in the year and im still finding his hair everywhere.
Everytime i brushed him you could fill a garbage bag with it and the next day you could fill another one.
He was very stubborn and rarely listened unless i had a treat in my hand, he spent years in the puppy stage then as he got older he just did his own thing and eventually tended to be snappy.
He also chewed everything, killed anything that moved including cats and also could drag anything he was chained to across the yard including a van with the handbrake on.
In my opinion the pure breeds are stubborn, very strong and very pack minded animals and personally after keeping one for years i wouldnt recommended one unless you have alot of spare time and a big yard with a very high fence.
But of co**** this is only my opinion based on my dog, i have seen several well behaved malamutes and alot of bad behaved ones, unfortuanatly mine was 3 and a half when i got him so his bad habits took some time to fix and some were just unfixable lol.
thanks for that bez, yea the place im going to hs a big yard but just your standard hight fence, i havent got lots of free time but still enough to squeeze a descent walk in daily,

very interesting the array of replies,

how are they around kids? anyone have any problems?
Beware the hair lol, my malamute was hit buy a car earlier in the year and im still finding his hair everywhere.
Everytime i brushed him you could fill a garbage bag with it and the next day you could fill another one.
He was very stubborn and rarely listened unless i had a treat in my hand, he spent years in the puppy stage then as he got older he just did his own thing and eventually tended to be snappy.
He also chewed everything, killed anything that moved including cats and also could drag anything he was chained to across the yard including a van with the handbrake on.
In my opinion the pure breeds are stubborn, very strong and very pack minded animals and personally after keeping one for years i wouldnt recommended one unless you have alot of spare time and a big yard with a very high fence.
But of co**** this is only my opinion based on my dog, i have seen several well behaved malamutes and alot of bad behaved ones, unfortuanatly mine was 3 and a half when i got him so his bad habits took some time to fix and some were just unfixable lol.

Exactly like our current one (sorry for your loss), we think that we can start our own "pure 100% malamute hair pillow factory" lol
My girl is perfect around kids and dogs behavior wise... But she is soooooo clumsy she has accidentally knocked a few kids over and stepped on many small dogs at the dog park and she's a girl that weighs 40 kgs I could only imagine what a 60+kg boy would be like... She has never bitten, growled or hurt anyone or anything intentionally ...

I guess it goes back to what lots of people say on her respect your pet and they will repect you back especially when it comes to a mal!

Latley I have seen 3 if my friends give up their mals a year after they got them because they just didn't show it attention or even trained the poor little things : (
thats a shame ill take one if they got any left lol

i guess thats along the lines of a rotti gotta show em whos boss, and lots of play/exercise and walks

and chickensnake i dont think the mal pillow would sell to well especailly if it got wet hehehe
but would be really soft lol
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