Dont underestimate venom

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thats so gross and so cool
got any pix of any good scares?
Don't worry about the misunderstanding Spottie. I much prefer your definition of illsonastions to lacerations or hallucinations anyway :roll:
lisdixia, lisdexaai,disleexai Oh! somding ike at. LOL :lol:
This was just a baby - imagine what a two and a half metre king brown could do !
This may be a silly question WestAussie, but did you receive any antivenine for this bite? And how long before the swelling subsided?
check out one of the old posts. there is a news paper article about a drunk guy who was bitten by a adult king brown several times. ended up lossing his arm
That sucks. Makes my Retic bites look like little scratches. When I see stuff like that it makes me aware that I made the right decision to get out of hots. Lesson learned, lucky it didn't kill you.
Now when they eat you you will have more time to enjoy it lol :lol:
i dont think keeping hots would be worth the risk especially with my kids
i think that if you prepare for a bite and treat any bite as potentially dangerous venomous snake should be ok to keep.
Wow!! That hand looked very messy!!! Just a word about venomous sealife!!! Dave got a nasty bite from a Saltwater Catfish a couple of years ago. 4 hours later, lots of hot water, and maybe heaps of Pethadine for the pain(which made him want to cut his thumb off!!), he has vowed never to go netting in the sea again!
I still think if you keep venemous long enough you are sure to be bitten sooner or later....
did you receive any antivenine for this bite
no Linus I did not recieve any anti-venom for this bite.
I have a bit of knowledge of venom & its effects and was aware of all my symptoms as they as they progressed.

A pressure bandage was applied immediately & as I was not alone, I told my mate that he couldn't leave for a couple of hours untill the initial symptoms subsided. 20 minutes after the first symptoms of localised pain at the bitesite I developed severe nausea & began to throw up.
This is a typical symptom of blacksnake venom & was expected, Although 3 hours of throwing ya guts up is an experience I do not wish on anyone.Those severe stomach cramps are pure evil ! During this time I was regularly checking my urine for blood, as this is a good sign of muscle deteriation.

After 4 hours the worst of the symptoms had passed & I told my mate that he could go home & I would be ok now. The rest of the night I had limited sleep as the localised pain & itching in my right hand was nearly unbearable. The following morning I phoned a toxicologist at royal perth hospital who convinced me to come in for an examination.

3 hours after arriving at R.P.H I was admitted into surgery as the initial bite track had deliverd the venom directly into a knuckle joint and was eating away the cartilidge of this Knuckle. ( I have had this same opereration 2 years earlier from the effects of a whipsanke - Demansia psammophis- on another knuckle). This operation involved opening & flushing out the knuckle of all corruption. I recieved a secondry infection from the wound which needed a course of antibiotics & a week in hospital.

I would advise anyone who recieves a venomous bite (no matter how insignificant it seems) to seek medical attention immediately
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