Very Well-Known Member
okay to start some of you know me and you already know i know what im doing most of the time with dragons and snakes. so rule out all the obvcious questions heat hide water ect.
okay problem my thermostat failed the other day in my dragon enclosure i have two females in there and the younger of the two seems to have been effected by the high temps she was all crazy the day after like shed lost motor control and her sense of balence i.e running into walls falling of walking like she is drunk flipping onto her back then yesterday she seemed fine but now she wont eat and barly reacts to handling at all
im going to try and force some water into her and am going to look for a vet in vic i can get her to but im not hopful im in bentliegh sso if you know of any vets thatd be great.
okay problem my thermostat failed the other day in my dragon enclosure i have two females in there and the younger of the two seems to have been effected by the high temps she was all crazy the day after like shed lost motor control and her sense of balence i.e running into walls falling of walking like she is drunk flipping onto her back then yesterday she seemed fine but now she wont eat and barly reacts to handling at all
im going to try and force some water into her and am going to look for a vet in vic i can get her to but im not hopful im in bentliegh sso if you know of any vets thatd be great.