Dying eggs?

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Mate what ever you use you had better get it sorted quickly or eggs will die from change or dehydration from container to container.

You should have really looked at this deeply when you thought you were going to artificially incubate eggs, all the info is there.

Good luck.
didnt have much time to research, found them about half an hour before leaving to head out for a short holiday for new years so was rushed but have them on vermiculite now. All bar 3 look fine
Our setup


This is how simple it can be.
We have had no problem incubating this way once we used sealed lids...
Our setup con't


These pictures show the holes at either end to allow for air circulation and insertion of
thermometer probe, as I also like to monitor temps of the egg incubator container as well as the incubater itself.
thanks for the pics guys :) if i can find one i will be converting a fridge to an incubator for next season so wont be so limited on container size
Mate it works out as cheap as chips, even if you use a brocken down frigde freezer. I used a large freezer that my mum & dad left us, it was a good freezer but very expensive on power, so converted it to a better use as an incubator.
I am sure my mum & dad would be proud of it.

If you need any ideas or photos let us know.
thanks for the pics guys :) if i can find one i will be converting a fridge to an incubator for next season so wont be so limited on container size
i have located a nice big glass fronted fridge from a member here but the only problem is transport. Next season is a while off so no rush to get one now, i'm sure i will find a freebie between now and then :)
Maybe Owzi and Viticeps can post some pictures of their setup!

See page one.

I thought people sharing their different views or even disagreeing (which I'm not sure we did?) was the best way to get a helpfull disscussion going, and the best way to help hornet in this situation.

I asked genuine questions and I'm still interested in knowing the answers to actually learn something here, none of us know it all.

Andrew Owen
in the last pic the container holding the eggs do they have lids on them too?

Interesting and informative thread guys. Hows the eggs doing now hornet???

The two small takeaway containers in the larger one dont have lids on them......
in the last pic the container holding the eggs do they have lids on them too?

Interesting and informative thread guys. Hows the eggs doing now hornet???

The 3 eggs i was concerned about (reason for making this thread) dont look too great but not giving up on them just yet, as people have said they have hatched healthy snakes out of some horrible eggs. The other 10 look fine so fingers crossed i dont lose any more :). Thanks for all your advice guys, hopefully next season i will be far more prepared
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