Eclectus Parrot

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I had 3 breeding pairs of Eccies. They were all inquisitive and friendly.Can be real noisy at times. They need lots of fruit and don't do well on a all seed diet.Theres 9 different sub species,But the main one in Australia in the New Guinea (roratus polychlorus) They're a great pet. :)
Yeah I have read they need even more veggies and fruits than most other parrots.. I can do that though, no worries.

What about toilet messing? Any ideas?
She is a treasure :)P1000501.jpg
She really loves passionfruit & from wat I hear most do
Well I got a reply from the EPA today..

"Further to your email, please note that the licence you require for the Eclectus Parrot is a Recreational Wildlife Licence.
The Australian Eclectus parrot is a restricted bird, so if you are planning on having more than 2 of them, you will require a fully restricted licence. This is an additional $180.40 on top of the $60.05 licence fee.

The non-Australian Eclectus parrot is listed as an international bird, so if you want one of them you will require an International endorsement on your licence. This is an additional $13.40 on top of the $60.05 licence fee.

If you are just going to have the one or two Australian Eclectus parrot, you can have a standard recreational wildlife licence. This is a total of $60.05 for the licence, as well as $6.50 for a record book."

I've emailed back asking the following questions but thought I'd post here too. So is this the same recreational wildlife licence I already hold for my herps? I plan on having one New Guinea male, so if it IS the same licence I just pay them $13.40? And if it IS the same licence as my herps I can have an Australian eclectus (if I can find one) without paying any extra?

Now I just need to decide between Aussie or New Guinea eclectus..
I think that will just be the int fee plus a $10 amendment fee. I'd love to keep an ecky too. Do you know much about what kinds of fumes would be toxic to them? Apparently some cleaning products and coated fry pans are really bad.
You can keep your parrot on your herp license.

Lots of things are toxic to parrots including Eclectus. Any aromatic cleaning product, chemical fumes, teflon frying pan fumes (yes, they emit fumes), scented candles- the list goes on. You also have to be careful of temperature changes, like moving from inside to outside or heated to non-heated rooms.

You need a lot of patience with an Eclectus, they're wierd creatures, often noisy but pretty cool. I've hand raised a few, they are a bit different to most other parrots, you'll see. I had one that you could lie down on it's back, and he wouldn't get back up for an hour or more, or until you turned him over yourself.
You can keep your parrot on your herp license.

Is this true ? I thought it would be a different type of Rec Wildlife licence........ and what about the record book, can it be in your herp book? and do you need a record book if you are getting the New Guinea Eclectus?

Also do Eclectus like a scratch on the neck like Cockatoos do? I love that you can give Cockatoo a good old pat. It would be a major consideration for me in choosing my next pet bird.
Eclectus are great :) I've had mine for just over a year now. He's a Red-sided Eclectus (Eclectus roratus polychloros). He was hand-raised when I got him from a local breeder, he still doesn't like being touched with hands anywhere other than his beak, but apparently eclectus' aren't often cuddly birds but he loves kissing and will let me kiss him everywhere.
He knows how to say his name, Charlie & "I love you", impersonates people laughing, wolf whistle and he calls our cats "Pepper" and "Gus".

Gets along great with both myself and my partner & I agree they tolerate multiple people heaps better than other parrots I've kept. He's not fond of strangers touching him at all but doesn't mind them around the house, they're quiet most of the day but morning and night they can be a bit noisy, especially when its dinner time. I've taught him toilet training, he climbs over to his perch when he needs to go, only sometimes makes mistakes.

He gets warm mashed sweet potato, sometimes with peas & corn in it or steamed broccoli & cauliflower for dinner, once a fortnight he gets a boiled egg and cut up fruit salad for breakfast. Snacks throughout the day on vetafarm pellets & seeds. Avoid black sunflower seed, grey sunflower seed is ok. Other bad stuff has been already mentioned.

On a shorter note, I love him to bits! If you do end up getting one, I'm sure you'll feel the same way.

I em in LOVE with eckys and you DO need a licence for all ekkys.
aussie ones you can get for arownd 1 and a half grand maby 2 saloms lsland ekkys
are the 2nd best to get and cheeper to buy than aussie ones. you could pick one up for arownd 500 - 800 $. they are also the 3rd best talking birds in the world(no 1 is the african gray parrot) and there are one of the birds in the world that can suffer from obesitie so once he/she is weend try to get him/she on health foods like veggies.
they need dayly exersize.
if you need any more help feel free to give me a call

You joined this website to make a post on a topic that is a year old...?
seeing as this thread has been rediscovered.... Did you wind up getting an Eckie after all PhilK ?
Decided not to Jax, as it is a huge commitment and I don't know where I will be in a year or two. When I know I will be in one place for a longer time I will certainly get one - and a dog too!
nice to see you thought it through thoroughly, hopefully one day you'll get there. just dont forget the pics when you do :)
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